Thursday 28 March 2024

2024 Topic 2 : Mattints {by Mi Mii} on the PaperArtsy Blog

Hello everybody! 

Mi Mii from France with you today. I am so happy to be back on the blog to shre with you my interpretation with Mattints, and the Theme 'Glazed'.

I was so curious to discover the new tinted glazes. 
In this Art Journal page, I played with 2 new colours: Mattints The Pink (MT08) and Dragonfly (MT07).

Salut tout le monde !
C'est Mi Mii, aujourd'hui avec vous ! Contente de vous retrouver ici, pour illustrer le Thème 02 "Mattints", et toujours "Glazed".
Je découvre avec beaucoup de curiosité ces nouveaux glacis PaperArtsy Fresco Tints. Dans cette page d'Art Journal, je vais utiliser 2 nouvelles couleurs : les Mattints The Pink (MT08) et Dragonfly (MT07).

Having not tried the Mattints before, I had a lot of questions. How should I use them? What results could I achieve? How to best showcase this new medium?
I chose to go with an Art Journal Page, a format I particularly like and perfect for experimentation.

Ne connaissant pas encore les Mattints PaperArtsy, je me suis pas mal questionnée. De quelle manière j'allais les utiliser ? Quel rendu j'obtiendrais ? Que pourrais-je vous proposer pour mettre au mieux en valeur ce nouveau médium ?
Je décide de partir sur une page d'Art Journal, support que j'affectionne particulièrement et propice à l'expérimentation. 

I actually made a special Art Journal to go with me on my creative journey and collect all my future PaperArtsy pages.
Let's get going! Let me take you along my creative process.

Je me suis d'ailleurs confectionné un Art Journal pour y glisser toutes mes pages PaperArtsy, il m'accompagnera au gré de mes créas. 
Allez c'est parti ! Je vous fais découvrir mon processus créatif.

My main inspiration is this amazing stamp set Eclectica by Clare LLoyd (ECL03). It has everything I need for my page! 
I decided to build my composition to illustrate the quote "The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets". For that, my idea was to layer both faces: they are so expressive and complement each other! Clare Lloyd PaperArtsy Stencil (PS173) goes great with them to bring a bit of texture.

Mon inspiration première est cette fabuleuse planche de tampons Eclectica de Clare LLoyd (ECL03). Tout ce dont j'ai besoin pour réaliser l'essentiel de ma page se trouve dans ce jeu de tampons. J'ai voulu créer une mise en scène qui illustre la citation : "Les plus beaux sourires cachent les secrets les plus profonds". C'était une évidence, je tenais mon idée ! J'allais superposer ces 2 visages. Ils sont tellement parlant et se complètent à merveille. Le pochoir de Clare LLoyd (PS173) vient aussi s'accorder parfaitement pour un peu de texture.

To colour my background, I chose the Paperartsy Fresco Finish Antartic (FF67), Chartreuse (FF81), the recent Bermuda (FF224) and a touch of Kiwi Gold (FF230) to chime with the Mattints "The Pink" (MT08) and "Dragonfly" (MT07). I also added some scraps of the PaperArtsy Printed Tissues by Scrapcosy (PT05) and Seth Apter (PT06), a bit of Grunge Paste (GP190) and Just Walnut Infusion (CS25).

Pour la mise en couleur de mon fond de page, en plus des Mattints "The Pink" (MT08) et "Dragonfly" (MT07), j'opte pour les Paperartsy Fresco Finish Antartic (FF67) Chartreuse (FF81), la toute nouvelle Bermuda (FF224) et une pointe de Kiwi Gold (FF230). Pour le reste j'ai utilisé des chutes de PaperArtsy Printed Tissue Scapcosy (PT05) et de Seth Apter (PT06), et pour ajouter une pointe de Grunge et de vintage l'Infusion Just Walnut (CS25) et la Grunge Paste (GP190).

I started by stamping all my pieces.. I like having all the parts before starting, to try different compositions. I play until I find positions that I like and that correspond to my initial idea.

Je commence par préparer mes tamponnages. J'aime avoir tous les éléments avant de me lancer pour pouvoir faire des essais de compositions jusqu'à trouver la disposition qui me convient et que j'avais en tête.

Then, it's time to get cracking on the background... I started with Chartreuse (FF81), a light and translucent green, then balanced it with Antartic (FF67), an opaque greyish blue.

Il est maintenant temps de m'attaquet à mon fond de page... Je commence par appliquer la couleur Chartreuse (FF81), un joli vert translucide et lumineux. Je l'équilibre ensuite avec Antartic (FF67), un bleu gris opaque et doux.

I finished by dry brushing on my brightest and darkest colour, Bermuda (FF224), also opaque.

Je termines avec ma couleur la plus profonde, Bermuda (FF224) un joli bleu vert opaque également.

Here is my background! I like the texture, reminiscent of old peeling walls.

Mon fond est posé ! J'aime bien ce rendu "peinture écaillée" façon vieux murs.

It is now time to bring some contrast and texture to make the background a bit more interesting!

Il est temps d'enrichir un peu tout ça et d'apporter à ce fond un peu de contraste et de texture.
It is time to bring out the Mattints! I used the new vibrant colours "Dragonfly" (MT07) and "The Pink" (MT08) to glue craps of Scrapcosy (PT05) and Seth Apter Tissue Paper (PT06) on my background.

C'est là qu'interviennent les couleurs vibrantes des nouvelles PaperArtsy Fresco Mattints "Dragonfly" (MT07) et "The Pink" (MT08)! Je m'en sers pour coller les différents morceaux de papier de soie Scrapcosy (PT05) et Seth Apter (PT06) sur mon fond.

I love the result with the Mattints! Their transparency leaves the designs of the printed tissue, or stamped images, completely visible, while still providing incredibly intense tints. I am 100% won over by "The Pink", I really love its almost neon brightness.

J'aime beaucoup le rendu de ces Mattints ! Leur transparence n'altère en rien la qualité d'impression du papier de soie ni même des tamponnages et de plus elles ont une intensité dans la couleur incroyable ! J'adore ! 100 % conquise par la couleur "The Pink", elle a ce petit côté fluo que j'aime beaucoup.

However, I was still not completely satisfied with my background. I though it lacked texture.I remedied that with some Grunge Paste (GP190) through Clare Lloyd's PaperArtsy Stencil (PS173). The hearts could have worked just as well but I went with the stars. I really like stars and it is quite rare for me not to sneak a few in my projects!

Par contre je ne suis pas encore totalement satisfaite de mon fond. Je trouve qu'il manque un peu de matière. Je décide de lui apporter un peu de relief en appliquant de la PaperArtsy Grunge Paste (GP190) avec le pochoir PaperArtsy de Clare LLoyd (PS173). J'aurais tout aussi bien pu mettre le motif cœur mais je choisi de partir sur celui des étoiles (oui,  j'aime beaucoup les motifs étoiles et il est très rare que je n'en glisse pas dans mes créations!).

For the stars to really pop off the background, I painted them the PaperArtsy Fresco Finish "Kiwi Gold" (FF230). This vibrant golden yellow gave them the brightness I was looking for.

Pour que ces étoiles se détachent un peu plus du fond, je décide de les peindre avec la peinture PaperArtsy Fresco Finish "Kiwi Gold" (FF230). C'est joli jaune doré et vibrant qui leurs donne ce côté lumineux que je recherchais.

Then I only needed to define and frame my piece, creating borders with some absract stamping. For an easy harmony, I use the background stamps from Clare Lloyd's set (ECL03)...

Il ne me reste plus qu'à bien définir les contours de ma page, en créant une bordure avec différents tamponnages. Pour harmoniser, j'utilise les tampons de fond de la grande planche de Clare Lloyd (ECL03)...

... with a little help for mini stamp (EM46) by Seth Apter.

...mais également le mini tampon PaperArtsy de Seth Apter (EM46).

I then needed touches of shine to perfectly fit into the current Theme "Glazed". Time to break out the Stickles and glitter pens! No holds barred!

J'ajoute maintenant, cette touche de brillant nécessaire pour coller parfaitement au Thème 1 de ce trimestre, qui est "Glazed". C'est le moment ou jamais ! Stickles à volonté et stylos gel dorés et pailletés sont de rigueur !

The result is not easy to photograph, but the glitter is doing its job! Shiny!... Still one little detail is still missing...

Ce n'est pas très parlant sur la photo (pas simple de capturer le réel rendu) mais les paillettes font leur Job ! ça brille !... Mais il me manque encore un petit détail ...

Splatters! It gave to my page the grungy look I was looking for. I use the latest Infusion, Just Walnut (CS25), which has become one of my staples! Even on such bright and colour background, it brings a little vintage touch. To tie in with the rest, I also added some "The Pink" Mattint (MT08) droplets.

Ce sont ces fameuses éclaboussures qui donneront à mon projet cet aspect grunge que je recherche. J'ai utilisé cette nouvelle infusion, devenue incontournable pour moi, la PaperArtsy Just Walnut (CS25). Même avec ce fond coloré, elle apporte un peu de vintage à ma page. Je complète avec des projections de gouttelettes de Mattint "The Pink" (MT08). 

And tada! my background is complete! time to work on my focal!

Et voilà ! mon fond terminé, prêt à accueillir mon sujet !

I love working on faces, I even draw my owns regularly; it is a must have for me. Almost all of my creations have a portrait in them. That's why this stamp set (ECL03) immediately caught me eye and inspired me; it offers quite the collection of cute faces! My chosen base was the big portrait, that looks quite melancholy and lost in thought.

J'adore travailler les visages (j'en dessine d'ailleurs régulièrement) c'est un incontournable pour moi ! Dans quasi chacune de mes créations, il y a un portrait. Cette planche de Clare Lloyd (ECL03), avec ces si jolis minois, m'a immédiatement attirée et inspirée. Je pars donc sur la base de ce portrait principal, à l'air un peu mélancolique et songeur. 

My idea is to use the smiling face in a frame on top of the big one, fusing them to create the illusion of only one image. That way one face is the 'prettiest smile' and the other one is the 'deepest secret' of the quote.

Je tamponne ensuite le premier 1/2 portrait dans le cadre, qui arbore un joli sourire. Ce second portrait viendra se superposer sur le premier, de sorte qu'ils ne fassent plus qu'un et donnent l'illusion d'une seule et même image. Je trouve que ce montage permet d'illustrer parfaitement la citation de la planche de tampons : "Les plus beaux sourires cachent les secrets les plus profonds".

To add the flap, I first chose where to place the main stamp, then layered the framed face on top and drew a few references lightly with a pencil...

Pour la mise en place de ce volet, j'ai tout d'abord placé mon image principale. Ensuite je viens superposer le cadre avec le second visage. Je marque des repères au crayon gris...

... allowing me to cut a precise slit to slid the end of the flap in.

... afin de découper une encoche pour pouvoir intégrer la languette de mon volet.

With just a strip of glue to hold it in place, the flap is fonctional!

Un peu de colle pour le maintenir et voilà cela fonctionne !

I did not forget to decorate the inside of the flap too. I stamped another quote on a scrap of paper coloured with Fresco paints. I added a bit of stitching around the words for a finished look before gluing them in place.

Je n'oublie pas de décorer le verso de ma languette. Ici j'ai choisi de tamponner simplement un des textes sur une chute de papier colorée aux fresco finish. Je rajoute un peu de couture pour parfaire le tout et je colle.

I then added my finishing touches: more golden stitching here... Some details with gold gel pen there... A bit of shadowing with a grey Prismacolor pencil to add depth...

Je peaufine les finitions...un peu de couture dorée, de ci...des ajouts de détails aux stylos gel, de là... et quelques ombrages avec un prismacolor gris afin de donner de la profondeur à certains éléments.

It was finally time to colour the pretty faces, which I did with my beloved Prisma color Premier pencils.

Je passe à la mise en couleur de ces jolis visages, et pour ce faire je décide d'utiliser mes crayons de couleur Prismacolor Premier.

Voilà! Here is the finished page! I am thrilled with the result, it is exactly what I was looking for.

Et voilà ! ma page est terminée ! Je suis ravie du résultat obtenu, c'est exactement ce que je recherchais.

And she is in my new homemade PaperArtsy Art Journal.

Elle prend place dans mon nouveau Art Journal fait maison et dédié PaperArtsy.

I hope the step by step was useful and that this page inspires you.
I am looking forward to our own creations.
See you soon!

J'espère que ce pas à pas vous aura plu et que cela vous aura inspiré. 
J'ai hâte de voir vos futures réalisations.
A très bientôt 

Mi Mii xx

Facebook: Mi Mii
Instagram: Mi Mii

Tuesday 26 March 2024

NEW PaperArtsy Products: Nicci Battilana {March 2024}

A note from Leandra:
Nicci brings us some wonderful new products for her final release with PaperArtsy. Glitzy Galz, Kitties, fish bones, paw prints and text are all going t be so much fun to create with, Nicci is here to share her vibrant journal pages with you all one last time.

Nicci has decided to spread her wings and move away from team PaperArtsy to pursue her own vision for her unique creative style. As a long time crafter, creator and author, she has so much to offer as she continues her journey and product development online for you all. We are so pleased to have been part of her journey thus far - and I just know she will still be floating in and around all of our crafty circle of friends, so of course she will continue to contribute to your crafty adventures too!

As you are aware, Nicci's super-power lies in hand-drawing, painting and vibrantly colouring anything from journal pages to textiles. We are so excited to see what lies ahead for Nicci and her sparkling girls. She absolutely will continue to flourish as a designer in her quirky, colourful, carefree design style.

In today's post Nicci will be sharing her ideas with these new stamps, plus we will take a look back at her releases from her time with us.
Both Leandra and Nicci will be along to share with you LIVE these new products and take a look back at Niccis products she has brought to us over the last couple of years. We'll be over in our Facebook Group, 'PaperArtsy People' shortly after this post publishes, and ... don't forget
The new stamps are available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists. Please check the list at the foot of this post to find a retailer online or geographically near you, it makes sense to order within your country where possible. Our retailers also endeavour to join the designer's live to share their direct shopping links - this makes it super easy for you to find a store with product in stock immediately.

Hi everyone, Nicci Battilana here. This is my 8th release with PaperArtsy, and my last ….for now, who knows what the future holds? lol 😆 

I have learned a lot on this adventure with you all and therefore I am looking forward to spreading my creative wings even further. More details on that to be announced later today in our LIVE video release on Facebook, at the end of this post, as well as over on my personal blog at 
But first, Let me introduce you to the newest member of the crew story telling Glitzy Gal Emojis and their ever loving fur-baby cat companions!

My idea behind these designs was to make them extremely versatile in how you can create with them. 
  • Use them individually in your planners, scrapbooks and diaries to write about your day/experiences. 
  • Adorn your cards: birthday 🎂, Thinking of you, friendship, etc.
  • Create tip ins and pop ups in your journals.
  • Stamp them on transparency film or tissue and other substrates to create layers in your paper crafts.
  • Experiment with your colour palette 🎨 and turn them all in to Alice and the Cheshire Cat 💙! (lol ….. you know that I will be doing exactly that at some point 😂)
  • Stamp them on fabric to create embroidery patches!
  • The list just keeps on going…..

Red Rubber Stamps (A5 set)
Price: RRP €23.00 +VAT    
Size:5" x 6" (13 x16.5cm)
All stamps are individually trimmed onto cling foam, with a laminated storage/index sheet.

Nicci Battilana - A5 stamp set 22 {ENB22}

Cats are such curious and mischievous creatures, which makes them fun to add into our work. As I type this, I begin to wonder…. maybe I was a cat in a previous life (if we have those). I have always been quiet, observant and stubborn 🤣. I tend to strive for what I would like to do (or how to look) especially when people tell me that I should conform.
This must be what pulls me towards drawing cats and, my other favourite, rabbits.

This year I have been pre-painting and decorating my art journal pages with space to actually journal in. My past art journals do not have much writing in them. They mostly consist of art.
I like the idea of our journals and creative process going through a metamorphosis just like a caterpillar 🐛 to a butterfly 🦋 . 
Every so often we all need to spread our wings and try something new, don’t we?

Here we see our curious kitty, wondering what I am about to write on this journal page. They look a little shocked, but are reminding me with stamped and stencilled text, that I am loved and free to write from my heart ♥️.

As you can see from these 3 photos (and others in this post) I tied in some of my past PaperArtsy releases for visual and tactile textures and in a way … storytelling. 
This whole page spread makes me think of a lost treasure on a tropical island 🏝️. The bright colours remind me of the flowers 🌺 and foliage. The cat & flamingo (ENB17) of the fabulous wildlife. The crossbones wax seal (ENB19) of a pirate map. The red and white stripes of a flag. X marks the spot! (PS380), follow the paw prints.

Nicci Battilana - A5 stamp set 23 {ENB23}

This stamp set seems like the best set to ‘exit stage left’ with. I am giving you all a piece of me. Drawing girls, has been my trade mark since I was a young teenager. They heal me. Sometimes they speak for me. My best form of expression has always been visual, be it in how I look or what I draw/paint.

These girls, my ‘Glitzy Galz’ are a gift to you. Adapt them to you, to tell your own story. Stamp them lightly to change their eyes, hairstyle and even their clothes. By doing this, you can create your very own emojis or even new characters to fill your journals/scrapbooks and adorn your cards. 
Imagine using these stamps to showcase your friends on an outing together.
  *Don’t forget, that you can easily adapt them to the stamp sets featuring my 4 articulated dolls! (ENB7, ENB08, ENB09, ENB19. Heck, even with ENB14, The Winged Victory of Samothrace).

You may have also noticed that I added a row of 5 little stars ⭐️. These can be used as bullets, extended to use as framework, or just as an anchoring image underneath one of your girls.

Perfectly Imperfect” this page embraces where I am right now. 
As a PaperArtsy Designer, I lost myself a bit. I was personally creating way less than I had in the past. I felt like everything that I was to create and possibly post on social media needed to be PERFECT, must be perfect & must showcase my PaperArtsy products in the best light possible.  
By realizing this and deciding to step away from PaperArtsy back in January…. I have started to find myself artistically again and I feel so much better. I have learned a lot about the industry and even more about myself in working with them.
I now know that I am not perfect. None of us are. I am perfectly imperfect. ☺️

With my quirky ‘tongue in cheek’ image, I embrace a collage of my latest and past PaperArtsy designs.
We began with a cute cat and a funky dead fish (ENB01), we explored baroque, punk, & the holidays, designed some fabulous art supplies, had a few drinks and brought in a few more cute cats and a dead fish to round it out 😂🤣. It’s funny how things can come full circle without us even expecting it.
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong” ~ Joseph Chilton Pierce

With 4 'galz' on this plate, you have got plenty of options. This one is framed in my gothic arch stencil PS287, my second stencil with PaperArtsy. These galz are going to be perfect popping up out of pockets or on tags too.

PaperArtsy Stencils {Large}
Price: RRP €6.58 +VAT
Large Size: 6.25" x 9.5" (16 x 24cm) 
Robust mylar designed to offer longevity, deep texture and easy clean up

Stencils are one of the most versatile craft supplies out there. We can trace through them as a template, push paste through them for texture, spray through them with inks, blend through them with paint, emboss with them, and they can be used on all kinds of surfaces too: paper, card, transparencies, gel plates, walls, even kitchen cupboards (like I did with PS335) 🥰.

PaperArtsy Stencil 424 by Nicci Battilana {PS424}

What goes better with cats than paw prints and fish tails?

This journal spread begins our tropical vacation before we realize that there is a treasure hunt in our future. This is where we are relaxing on a chaise lounge by the waters edge with a fruity beverage in our hand, feeling the warm breeze taking our daily stresses away.

Also featuring ENB17, ENB15 (rose wax seal), PS405, PS380, PS290.

Our full bellied flamingo princess has just devoured a buffet of fish and is now heading to the night club to dance the night away.

I stencilled the fish skeletons with alternating blue inks, dried them with the heat gun, stencilled them again with a clear medium and then sprinkled them with rock candy glitter.

I love how this fish-stencilled, flamingo-stamped tip-in relates with both pages. The relaxing vacation page and the adventurous treasure hunt page.

PaperArtsy Stencil 425 by Nicci Battilana {PS425}

Words are powerful. Words can heal, hurt, reveal, and empower.

I love to add words and quotes to my art journal pages. They remind me of moments or maybe even what I need to hear. They can bring back some wisdom. Such as being perfectly imperfect. To take the moments to smell the flowers 💐, chase the rainbows 🌈, dance 💃🏻 in puddles and never give up.

On this page I used my palette knife and yellow stencil butter to push all of these fabulous words onto my coloured transparency. I wanted to see how they would all look together. I ❤️ it!
On some of my other pages in this post, you will notice where I have stencilled selective words. Like ‘create’ and ‘perfectly imperfect’.

Above, in the words ‘dishes’ and ‘process’ you can see the lovely raised texture.

Sometimes we think we know what we want … until we achieve it. Only to realize that being in this moment is just another great learning STEP within your journey. 
For well over 15 years, I have dreamt of creating art stamps and then feeling the joy of seeing other creative souls create with them.
This adventure with you and PaperArtsy has been amazing!

Perhaps my journal pages might look messy or overdone to you, but I have accepted myself to be a ‘maximalist’. Filling SPACE with all that I 💙, brings me joy! It fills my bucket, it warms my heart. This is me, being me, and I love it.

Thank you for seeing me for who I am and for letting me be perfectly imperfect. Please keep on creating with my PaperArtsy releases and tagging me in your social media posts, as I love seeing what you come up with.

A HUGE thank you to the PaperArtsy crew for making these stamps and stencils, which makes all this creativity possible! 

I hope that I have inspired you and cannot wait to see your finished projects!  🤩 Please feel free to share them in the PaperArtsy People facebook group as well as in my facebook group, Nicci's un-tethered Artsy Unicorns!

I look forward to a new journey of creativity with you with my first independent release of printed collage tissue and an Alice in Wonderland emoji washi tape, with a follow up release in June 2024. 
Please JOIN ME on my website and in my Facebook group for further details.

Thank you ☺️.

Keep smiling & creating,

My self published ART books, Art Adventures with AliceCreate Your Own Wonderland, and Goth Girl Planner (undated), are available from British Columbia, Canada retailers, as well as in my ETSY SHOP. If you do not have a retailer close to you, you can also order from Amazon. Please note that the ones sold on Amazon are a bit larger than an A5 and the paper is a little thinner. If you are located in a country not listed and want to purchase from Amazon, just search 'Nicci Battilana' when signed in to your local country. Retailers, I am happy to talk with you about wholesale orders 😊 for my Alice themed books.

The Nicci Collection

Leandra back with you to take a look at all the Nicci releases of the past 2 1/2 years. It is such an achievement, and I am sure this design journey is one from which Nicci has learned many new skills. It is quite a feat to imagine how you can turn what you love into products that others will hopefully enjoy too.

I often say to new designers, the first few releases are generally pretty straightforward, you are bursting with ideas and it's hard to choose what to do first. The tricky part is maintaining consistency over years, and yet still continuing to grow and develop and evolve as an artist in your own unique style. Nicci has risen to the challenge, and also managed to create ideas that link with what she want to use for other purposes herself too, for example the Alice series works beautifully with her self published books. And when you look at the entire body, you can see her unique creative self shines through with lashings of whimsy.

If there is one word to describe Nicci and her style it would have to be 'whimsy'. It is the driving force behind her designs. You can also see there is a healthy does of Gothic elements for some spookalicious fun, quirky characters and of course cobwebs and skulls! She will sneak a skull, heart, little bats or eyes in to almost every set somewhere.

Her articulated girls added some interactive play into her designs, and the Rococo funk - with the damask stencils brought some elegance, but there were still whimsical and gothic details within the 2022 offering.

We ended 2022 with arty tools to enjoy, vintage inspired from a bygone era, with that inimitable Nicci twist of flourishes, flower girls, feathers and swatching tags.

If you know Nicci, you will be aware how much she adores all things Alice in Wonderland. Her books she has authored offer creative sessions, be it her Goth Girl planner, or Arty Alice Adventures, and these same elements were reflected in her stamps of the same period from early 2023. From the Mad Hatter and the Tweedles, these designs are  such good fun to explore, the whimsy throughout makes you smile.

We ask you to join us in wishing Nicci all the best for a truly enjoyable creative journey as she embarks on a new leg of her arty adventures. 

We wish her every success and happiness and look forward to our final live with Nicci shortly where she will showcase the full potential of these endearing and quirky characters. 

Come and check out her fabulous set of 4 'glitzy gals' and some kitties - because who doesn't love a kitty cat and a sassy girl!

All the best from team PaperArtsy

 PaperArtsy Stockist List
Our stockists are your go-to  source for all PaperArtsy products, and we suggest that you also use the PaperArtsy People Facebook group to source a retailer in your country. Many are members of our FB group and will happily share links to their online stores.

Bev's Cross Crafts, Spreyton, Tasmania
Crafters Cupboard, Berwick, Victoria
Memories on the Murray, Murray Bridge, SA
Natalie May Scrapbooking, Dover Gardens, SA
Scrapbook Superstore & More, South Penrith, NSW
The Scrapbooker's Confetti Box, Swansea, NSW
The Scrapbook Store, North Perth,WA 

Cart N Scrap Art, Antwerp,
Créatelier Caracolle, Liège,

Paper Art Creations Inc, Leduc, Alberta,
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec
Scrap Addicts, Edmonton, Alberta
Scrap and Bean, Edmonton, Alberta 
Scrapbooking Fairies, Drayton Valley, Alberta
The Paper & ink Boutique, Calgary, Alberta
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, 

Hobbyboden Scrapworld Samso

Eirl Bancon Cartoscrap, Midi Pyrenees,
Fée Du Scrap, Saint Sébastien-Sur-Loire,
Horizon Créatif, Ste Jalle
Instant Créatif, La Possession, La Réunion,
Katzelkraft, Ingwiller
Kerudoc Creation, St Yvi
Le Grenier des filles, Pierre Benite
Page de scrap, Saint Pavace,
Scrap Déco Home, Goutrens,
Toutencolle, Dun sur Auron

Stempeloase Munich, Munich
Stempelfee Shop, Hilden
Stempellaedle, Stuttgart,

Immagine SAS di Rapaccini, Rome,
Il Negozio Della Mamma Di Cle, Torino,
Marte Savona, Savona,
Pezze E Colori, Lissone, 
Piccole Passioni, Siena,

La Wadao, Odawara, Kanagawa,
Tiny Dots, Funabashi-shi, Chiba

De Hobbystudio, Genemuiden,
Hobbycompleet de Duif, Leeuwarden
Stampingcorner, Capelle Aan Den Ijssel

Cien por Cien Manualidades, Barcelona,
Ideas 10 Manualidades Y Scrapbook, Bilbao
Marakiscrap, Tarragona,
Scrap & Papers Experiences, Barcelona,
The Paradise Corner, Barcelona,

Mandy's Cards, Taipei

United Kingdom
Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, Warwickshire
Art from the Heart, Harrogate, Yorkshire
Crafts at The Malthouse, Herstmonceux,  East Sussex,
Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire,
Stampers Grove, Springbank, Lilliesleaf, Melrose,Scotland
The Artistic Stamper Craft Store, Faversham, Kent
The Forget me not Kraft KabinRochford, Essex,

Artistic Artifacts, Alexandria, VA
Artistic Studio Creations, Fayetteville, Georgia
Craftiness, Chatsworth, CA,
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, Lake Worth, Florida
Frantic Stamper, Oregon
Free Heart LLC, Denver, Colarado,
Joggles, Coventry, Rhode Island,
PaperCraft Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut,
Qingquing's Stamp Shop, Portland, Oregon
Runaway, Art & Craft Studio, NE Salem, Oregon
Simon Says Stamp, Columbus, Ohio www.
Topflight Stamps, Irmo, South Carolina

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