A note from Leandra:
Tracy brings you stencils, stamps and paints for this release!
Tracy brings you stencils, stamps and paints for this release!
Each of these products is very different to the next, so they all are standalone products. However, Tracy manages to weave ideas together within a release showing you ways to use them in combinations that you might not have considered!
Don't forget Tracy will be along to share with you LIVE her new products and ideas over in our facebook Group, PaperArtsy People shortly after this post publishes. We hope you can drop by for the live, or try to catch the replay. It's so nice to hear from the designer about each new release and understand more fully the ideas they have in mind for each product!
For the next few months, these stamps are only available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists. Please check the list at the foot of this post to find a retailer online or geographically near you, it makes sense to order within your country where possible.
Hi everyone, Tracy here
I'm super excited to share with you my newest release for PaperArtsy. 3 stamps and 3 stencils plus this time I have 4 new gorgeous paint colours to share with you.
I'm super excited to share with you my newest release for PaperArtsy. 3 stamps and 3 stencils plus this time I have 4 new gorgeous paint colours to share with you.
How gorgeous are these 4 new paint colours?...... swooning over here !!!
They are fresh, high coverage colours and because they are all opaque they compliment my existing colours perfectly. They look beautiful as stand alone colours and I think have a real spring, easter, ice cream vibe so are going to work well for most occasions, however as they are all opaque they are going to be perfect as a base for some of the more vibrant semi-opaque and translucent colours in my collection allowing the building of bright vibrant beautiful layers with ease.
You will see how I have used them in some of the samples below.
I can't wait for you to play with them and see their beauty for yourself.
Tracy Scott Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic: SUNSHINE (FF223)
Tracy Scott Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic: PARAKEET (FF225)

Tracy Scott Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic: BERMUDA (FF224)
Price: RRP €23.00 +VAT Size:5" x 6" (13 x16.5cm)
All stamps are individually trimmed onto cling foam, with a laminated storage/index sheet.
All stamps are individually trimmed onto cling foam, with a laminated storage/index sheet.
Tracy Scott Collection stamp set 084 (TS084)
I'm sure you know how I like to be able to use my stamps in different and sometimes unexpected ways.... here is my adorable 'strawberry' wreath... or maybe I should call it a mushroomberry wreath!!
I removed the stalks from one of the smaller stamps, turned it upside down and voila.. cute little strawberries and the small flower on the stamp set works perfectly to coordinate with this, I added leaves from stamp set TS056 and berries from stamp set TS072 to complete the look.
Background colours were a mix of the new Flamingo and existing Prawn, they work so well together don't you think?
For my second sample, I used the stamps as they were intended.
Very often when I am teaching I will be teaching the same class several times and recreating the same backgrounds over and over for demos. I just knew that the background I'd created for my 'In the Jungle' workshop would also work perfectly for this stamp set and a bonus that I don't waste those background pages.... so jungle very easily turns to forest with the addition of the various mushrooms in the set.
Tracy Scott Collection stamp set 085 (TS085)
Mark making stamps are always a useful addition to any collection and I felt that it was time for a new set with new images to play with.
The first thing I did was create some collage sheets ready to be cut up and used in other projects. I find this gives me a good opportunity to try out the stamps, seeing how they stamp over and over to create larger patterns and of course this they gives me lots of useful black and white collage fodder for later use.
I love the way all of these stamp but my favourite has to be the scribble stamp.... how amazing is that collage paper when it is stamped overlapping!
And of course I wanted to see how the stamps would work in a painted background... I chose to use a mix of ink and paint to stamp some of my images onto the background.
The background colours are a mix of the new paint colours with a few of my brighter existing colours added to the mix to create vibrancy.
Tracy Scott Collection stamp set 086 (TS086)
You may remember a couple of releases ago I created a 'book of gems' for one of my samples where the gems were all hand drawn!.... I had so many requests for these gems to be turned into stamps that I knew I had to do them straight away... so here they are!!
For my first sample I wanted to do something different with them ... and we all know how much I love a mandala .... I decided to have a play with them in my cheap composition book to see what they could do and they worked better than I could have imagined, make sure you tune in to my 'live' reveal on the PaperArtsy People Facebook page at 7:30pm UK time tonight as I have lots more patterns to show you that I created using these stamps.
For my second sample I just knew that this stamp set was going to work perfectly with my 'Day of the Dead' image on my new tissue paper from the last release.
I've used the gems on this one to create a patterned background for my gorgeous girl to sit on and it really does work perfectly.
Large Size: 6.25" x 9.5" (16 x 24cm) Price: RRP €6.58 +VAT
PaperArtsy Stencil by Tracy Scott {Large} 414 (PS414)
So the first thing I did when I got this stencil was to trace it out and use it as a template rather that just add paint straight through. moving the stencil and overlapping the flowers give depth to the picture. It also means I can create smaller flowers by only tracing parts of the stencil.
I wanted to create a bouquet that I could then colour with my coloured pencils so that it looked like a drawing rather that a stencil, this is a technique I do quite often with my stencils, the stencil makes the drawing process easy and I am thrilled with the finished piece..... who would have guessed it started with a stencil ?
For my second sample I've used simple black paint to create a really striking background for my page, the roses are then highlighted with a white pen to enhance the shapes.
And if you look really closely you can see some of those mark making stamps appearing in the faded background of the large balloon.
PaperArtsy Stencil by Tracy Scott {Large} 415 (PS415)
Numbers are always a good option for stamps and stencils as they can be used in so many different ways, there are so many fonts and designs out there that sometimes it's difficult to choose.
However this time I knew I wanted bubble number, these are a good sizes can be used for focal points as well as in backgrounds making them a really versatile set to add to your collection.
My first sample with this stencil (I created this straight after the roses drawing so you can see I was on a roll!!) was again to use as a template and pile the numbers, heart and exclamation mark up to create my design.
I find this technique particular useful when I am away from home as I don't usually have a large amount of supplies with me.... All that was needed was my stencil, black and white pens and my coloured pencils!
And of course these bubble numbers are the perfect shape to create your very own balloon numbers.... these are perfect to create focal images for cards, art journal pages, gifts and more.
I had so much fun creating these.
Here I have used them to create a focal for my card using the zero to create a cute round balloon... how cute do they look?...
You might also notice that I used them on my balloon journal page to create the year focal image as well as in the painted background for my mark making stamps.
And did you also notice the background for this card was creating by stamping one of the new gem stamps multiple times to create a cool base and belly band for my card.
PaperArtsy Stencil by Tracy Scott {Large} 416 (PS416)
You might remember quite a long time ago I created a tiles stencil (PS211) and I've wanted to create something similar but on a bigger scale ever since so that I could create bold tiled backgrounds. I knew now was the time and to get the most of the limited space on the stencil I decided to create six squares that could be repeated or mix and matched to make bigger patterns filling a page quickly.
The background for this art journal page is painted with the 4 new paint colours... don't they look gorgeous together?
You can see on this page I have used the same design in 2 different ways.... around the edges of the page I've used the regular approach of just stencilling through with black paint and on the inner square I've used the shape as a template and coloured around the outside of the pattern with black to create a reverse detail. I really does create a striking look against those fun new colours and simple and easy to achieve.
And of course with six different designs there are endless possibilities and designs you can c create... this is a new favourite for sure!
For my second sample I decided to use the stencil to create the covers for my new magazine journal.
I used the new paint colours and added some of my existing colours to the mix to create this stunning vibrant painted surface, because all of the new colours are opaque they are a great base for added some of the more vibrant semi-opaque and translucent shades on top.
Thank you so much for joining me tonight, I hope that you like everything you've seen?
Make sure you stop by the PaperArtsy People Facebook page at 7:30pm UK time tonight to see all of the above samples in the 'live' release, there might be a few more surprises!
I can't wait to see what you all create with these new products.
YouTube: Tracy Scott
Facebook: Tracy Scott Creative Cafe
Instagram: Tracy Scott
Teaching Schedule:
Date, Name of shop, link to booking info
Date, Name of shop, link to booking info
PaperArtsy Stockist List
Our stockists are your go-to source for all PaperArtsy products, and we suggest that you also use the PaperArtsy People Facebook group to source a retailer in your country. Many are members of our FB group and will happily share links to their online stores.
Bev's Cross Crafts, Spreyton, Tasmania https://www.bevscrosscrafts.com.au/
Crafters Cupboard, Berwick, Victoria www.crafterscupboard.com.au
Memories on the Murray, Murray Bridge, SA https://www.memoriesonthemurray.net/
Natalie May Scrapbooking, Dover Gardens, SA https://nataliemay.com.au/
Scrapbook Superstore & More, South Penrith, NSW https://www.scrapbooksuperstore.com.au/
The Scrapbooker's Confetti Box, Swansea, NSW https://thescrapbookersconfettibox.com/
The Scrapbook Store, North Perth,WA http://thescrapbookstore.com.au/
Cart N Scrap Art, Antwerp, www.cartnscrapart.be
Créatelier Caracolle, Liège, www.createliercaracolle.be
Paper Art Creations Inc, Leduc, Alberta, www.paperartcreations.com/
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrap Addicts, Edmonton, Alberta www.scrapaddicts.ca/
Scrap and Bean, Edmonton, Alberta scrapandbean.com/
Scrapbooking Fairies, Drayton Valley, Alberta www.scrapbookingfairies.com/
The Paper & ink Boutique, Calgary, Alberta www.paperandinkboutique.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
Hobbyboden Scrapworld Samso www.hobbyboden.dk
Eirl Bancon Cartoscrap, Midi Pyrenees, www.cartoscrap.com
Fée Du Scrap, Saint Sébastien-Sur-Loire, www.feeduscrap.fr/
Horizon Créatif, Ste Jalle www.horizon-creatif.fr
Instant Créatif, La Possession, La Réunion, www.icreatif.re
Katzelkraft, Ingwiller www.katzelkraft.fr/en/
Kerudoc Creation, St Yvi www.kerudoccreation.com
Le Grenier des filles, Pierre Benite
Page de scrap, Saint Pavace, www.pagedescrap.fr/
Scrap Déco Home, Goutrens, www.scrapdecohome.fr/
Toutencolle, Dun sur Auron www.toutencolle.fr
Heidin Korttipaja, Istunmaki, www.korttipaja.fi/fi
Piia Paper, Kittilä, www.piiapaper.com/fi
Stempelbar, Berlin, www.stempelbar.de
Stempeloase Munich, Munich www.stempeloase.de
Stempelfee Shop, Hilden www.stempelfee-shop.de
Stempellaedle, Stuttgart, www.stempellaedle.de/shop
Scraps N Pieces, Kallithea www.scrapsnpieces.gr
Immagine SAS di Rapaccini, Rome, www.immaginelab.com
Il Negozio Della Mamma Di Cle, Torino, www.ilnegoziodellamammadicle.com
Marte Savona, Savona, www.martesavona.it
Pezze E Colori, Lissone, www.pezzeecolori.it/
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
La Wadao, Odawara, Kanagawa, www.lawadao.com
Tiny Dots, Funabashi-shi, Chiba www.tinydots.shop-pro.jp
De Hobbystudio, Genemuiden, www.dehobbystudio.nl/
Doe@ding,Spijkenisse doeading.nl/
Hobbycompleet de Duif, Leeuwarden www.hobbycompleet.nl
Stampingcorner, Capelle Aan Den Ijssel www.stampingcorner.nl
Hobbygarasjen, Kopervik, www.Hobbygarasjen.no
Cien por Cien Manualidades, Barcelona, www.100x100manualidades.es
Ideas 10 Manualidades Y Scrapbook, Bilbao ideas10manualidades.com/
Marakiscrap, Tarragona, www.marakiscrap.com
Scrap & Papers Experiences, Barcelona, www.scrappapersexperiences.com
The Paradise Corner, Barcelona, www.theparadisecorner.com
Butik Elva, Staffanstorp, www.butikelva.se
Mandy's Cards, Taipei www.facebook.com/mandy.card.77
United Kingdom
Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, Warwickshire www.ameliascreativecrafts.co.uk
Art from the Heart, Harrogate, Yorkshire www.afth.co.uk
Crafts at The Malthouse, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, www.themalthouse.co.uk/
Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, www.loobicrafts.co.uk
Stampers Grove, Springbank, Lilliesleaf, Melrose,Scotland www.stampersgrove.co.uk
The Artistic Stamper Craft Store, Faversham, Kent www.theartisticstamper.com
The Forget me not Kraft Kabin, Rochford, Essex, www.TheForgetMeNotKraftKabin.co.uk
Artistic Artifacts, Alexandria, VA www.artisticartifacts.com/
Artistic Studio Creations, Fayetteville, Georgia www.facebook.com/ASCbyCrystal
Craftiness, Chatsworth, CA, www.craftinessonline.com/
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, Lake Worth, Florida https://everythingmixedmedia.com/
Frantic Stamper, Oregon www.franticstamper.com
Free Heart LLC, Denver, Colarado, www.freeheartllc.com/
Joggles, Coventry, Rhode Island, www.joggles.com
PaperCraft Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut, papercraftclubhouse.com/
Qingquing's Stamp Shop, Portland, Oregon
Roadtique Boutique, Rochester, New York Facebook Page
Runaway, Art & Craft Studio, NE Salem, Oregon www.runawayart.com/
Simon Says Stamp, Columbus, Ohio www. simonsaysstamp.com
Topflight Stamps, Irmo, South Carolina topflightstamps.com/
If you are interested in becoming a PaperArtsy stockist contact Dounia@paperartsy.com for more information
PaperArtsy Links
Facebook Group PaperArtsy People
Facebook Page PaperArtsy
Twitter twitter.com/paperartsy
Instagram instagram.com/paperartsy
Pinterest uk.pinterest.com/paperartsyhq
YouTube youtube.com/user/PaperArtsy
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