Tuesday 22 September 2020

2020 #17 Sliding Through The Day with JOFY {by Jo Firth-Young}

 2020 Topic 17: Day And Night

We've a special introduction to the new topic from Jo Firth-Young (known to many of us as the creator of JOFY stamps). She's created a very clever kinetic card with some fabulously painted acetate. Apparently there was a happy accident involved, (that we'd never have spotted had she not told us) but it really adds to the beautifully designed card.
~ Keren.

Hi everyone!  Jo here - seems like ages since I've been on the blog to share a project with you.  I hope you are all keeping well.

For me the 'night & day' theme was interesting and challenging at the same time - it made me think of light and dark... and then I started to think about how I could make something change from light to dark which is how I settled on the idea of a slider card! This is quite a big card (!) with an enclosed slider panel; it measures approximately 21x21cm, and almost double the width when open.

Here is the card with the 'slider' panel pulled open.

This was a slightly tricky project!  I've made 'slider' cards before but this one needed to be bigger than those I've previously made to accommodate the stamps I've chosen.  I used the lovely new new stems from JOFY97 and an 'old' favourite from JOFY74 and an even older suitable phrase from JOFY26 (I love how this shows how my stamps will all work together regardless how 'old' they are).

But it wasn't the stamps that made it tricky - it was the layers and getting them to work together - and the construction! Making sure elements of the design were hidden/revealed as needed.  Phew - so glad it all came together! I love how it looks;  how the 'day' scene slides out to reveal the 'night' scene.

The card is basically 3 layers of card and acetate that work together to hide and reveal images at different stages.  I didn't want the two feature scenes to be exactly the same but the stems stamped and painted on the acetate window needed to work with both so I painted them in colours which complement each background colour.  The images are stamped onto the acetate with StazOn Pigment Ink (black) and painted on the reverse with Fresco Finish (Haystack, Blood Orange, Coral, Snowflake). Painting on the reverse protects the paint from scratches and also helps when painting the details on the image as the line is unaffected... I really like this effect/technique.

The colours used on the 'day' background are Beanstalk, Aqua Duck Egg and Snowflake, and Baltic Blue, Twilight and Aqua Duck Egg are used on the night scene. 

When the project was on my desk being assembled a small amount of paint splashed onto the top left hand corner of the front panel!  NOOOOO!  but sometimes it is those sort of accidents/dramas that can lead to something better... which is why each layer has a book page circle!  I covered the splash with a circle of book paper and added two more circles to the front panel (its my theory that if
 you use 'something' to fix an error you should add several more of the same 'something' because then it looks like a design feature and not a 'fix'). I added one to the centre panel, and then another to the back panel ( the night panel) and on this panel it looks like the moon!!!  I wish I could say I planned it!  But this was a simple 'fix' that worked really well!   and sometimes they are the best aren't they! :o)

The placement of images on the pull-out images had to be planned/placed so they were hidden until the panel is pulled out...(this also reveals the night scene).

There are tutorials on the web for all sorts of variations of this type of card. Take a look and give them a try; they can be tricky but the finished result is worth it!  There are so many ways you can use this technique.
If you are going to stamp onto acetate I encourage you to use a stamping platform. It is much less likely for the stamp to 'slip' on the surface... another reason to add a stamping platform to your crafting kit! 

Take care, stay safe,


Blog: www.jofy.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JoFY.JoFirthYoung & a FB Group called  JoFY Jamboree!!
Twitter: @jofyjo
Instagram: @jofyjo
Pinterest: @jofyjo

I've taught several Facebook Live classes over the last few months and they are still available to purchase and watch.  Details are in my Facebook group.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

This is wonderful Jo. Very clever!