Friday 30 August 2013

Darcy Wilkinson Project #4 Miss Fleur ....

"Welcome to the final post of my semester, it is so sad typing this, but I have had an amazing 4 months. Thank you so much to Mark and Leandra for inviting me to take part, for their friendship and generosity, and to the PATwits and wider PaperArtsy community for all the support and wonderful comments. It is all very much appreciated. The very first project I did for PaperArtsy was back in February, I made some samples for the Birmingham show. Two of them were 'girls with big hair' So I felt it only fitting to finish my semester with another girl. This time she reflects my time spent with and genuine affection for the PaperArtsy family".

I began by coating a piece of mdf with watered down pva glue, both sides and also the edges. I then sanded it, and added a second coat. This is to seal and make it absolutely smooth. I then sketched on my design. Once I was happy with it, I added a coat of clear gesso.

Then I had to put her away, as I was still working on July projects. I also was lucky enough to visit PaperArsty HQ, where I explained what I had in mind for my final painting. I told Leandra I really wanted to use hearts and clocks in her hair. Now clocks are not a problem, PaperArtsy have a few plates with very nice clocks and watches, but not so many hearts. Then Leandra said..well you design heart stamps and we will make them for you !

OMG! Well here they are...

EDY 01          and           EDY02

So now I could work on Miss. Fleur.
1. I blocked in the hair using Snowflake, as I wanted the top colours to be bright and true.
2. I added the blue rings, graduating the colours, using Baltic Blue, Beach Hut and Bora Bora
3. I started adding shading to the face, and blocking in the features.

I stencilled the sections with contrasting colours, pretty dark shades, as I wanted them to show through top layers. You will see later that much is covered up. I am ok with that, in the beginning stages I rarely know what I am going to do next, so I don't worry about getting stencilling in the 'right' place. I put it where I think, and if some shows through later great, and if it doesn't then no worries.

I knocked back the stencilling with Snowflake, applied with a brayer. Then used the background stamps from my new sets. 

Eclectica by Darcy :EDY01 and EDY02

Here is a close up of this stage, the previous stencilling ghosting through. Love these cogs as a background stamp.

I added another thin layer of Snowflake then started to sketch the curls of her hair back in. This time instead of using a regular pencil I used a red water colour pencil. The graphite in a regular pencil will react with water and paint, if I had used that and then painted over, the graphite would have smudged and made my paint dirty. Using a watercolour pencil in a similar colour to the paint meant that as I painted over it the pencil lines would just blend away.

Now to work a little more on her face.. For her skin I used Vintage Lace, Rose, Irish Cream and Snowflake. With a little very watery French Roast. At this stage the eyes are Sky, Hey Pesto and Beach Hut, and Snowflake. I used a Uniball eye pen for the black on the eyes.

I wanted the skin mostly done as I knew I wanted some of the stamping to come over the face. I used my stampamajig to position my stamps. Masking off with tape the bits of the stamp that I didn't want.

1. I coloured the heart vine using London Bus, Blood Orange and Claret.
2. I then filled in her hair with my heart stamps and some of the clock stamps from Ink and Dog Clocks 3 and 6. I stamped some images whole, and others just partially, as I wanted them to look like they were popped into the sections of her hair.

I then decided I didn't like the eyes at all, and wanted them to be totally different. So I covered them with Snowflake, you can see just how effective it is at covering the layer below, even though I had used a black pen. I did worry that this extra layer would ad bulk and create a ridge around the eyes, but it didn't. It was easy to blend back into the surrounding skin. I added a little more to the lips using Very Berry, Rose and French Roast.

Now for some colour. I blocked in each clock and heart with a light colour, then added a slightly darker shade to each one. Translucent Fresco Paint is ideal for this job, blending and building up subtle layers.

Next I filled in all the hair between with London Bus, it does look patchy at this point, but
remember this is only one layer, and as it is a translucent you cannot expect it to cover what’s underneath in just one coat.The next layer added depth, and smoothed out the London Bus, I also added some Blood Orange and Claret to create the swirls.

Here you can see the depth created by the layers.

I decided I wanted a really deep layer, so I added this with a dark red Aquamarker. Then I carried on adding layers of Fresco. To add highlights in the hair I dry brushed on some Snowflake. I also added the eyes back in. this time I had her looking down.

Don't forget to add highlights to all the small images too, this was done with a white Posca Pen. Highlights don't need to be complicated, just adding dots..(my favourites) can be effective.

Next I worked on her eyes some more, finishing them off with a black pen, and a dab of posca pen . The eyebrows are French Roast, I love that paint. Watered down it can be used to shade all sorts of things. To get the shade I wanted on the lips I used Pitt brush pens, these are perfect over Fresco Paint.

This is how she looked at this stage.. Fleur is finished, just the background to do..

1. I added more of the blues back into the rings, mixing a little of one blue to the colour of the nextring, so that the colour changes aren't so harsh. To soften he lines between them I dry brushed on some Baltic Blue.
2. Next I brushed on some Guacamole to the rings,
3. Finally adding some stamping with watered down Claret. I wanted this stamping to be a
complimentary colour to the hair, but didn't want it too strong. Watering it down and only stamping lightly achieved this.

Here you can see the many layers. I also added some light stencilling using sequin waste. I added it to the rings, and then took it a little way up the neck to join the two areas. I really like this 'hessian fabric' style heart, it can be used subtly in the background or more boldly in the foreground.

1. Now for the title. I started out by hand cutting the letters, on waste paper, just to see how they looked, and to get the size right.
2. Once I had them as I wanted them, I cut them from smoothy card, then painted them with a couple of coats of Snowflake. I glued them on and added shading under them using grey markers.
3. Lastly I added dots to the edges using a uniball pen. Once this dried I felt they need a little something extra, so I brushed on some PaperArtsy Pearl Glaze.

Now for some 3d elements. I had seen a technique using glue and a candle flame, (to see this search youtube for 'burnt tacky glue butterfly'.  I wondered if grunge paste would work in the same way. So I cut 2 hearts from PaperArtsy Crunchy Wax Paper, then I added Grunge Paste

Mine was just a bit left in the bottom of the pot, and was drying up, so this was a perfect experiment. I squished it on with my fingers.

I then held it over a candle. BE VERY CAREFUL, obviously it gets hot!!!. You do not want to go into the flame, hold the shape just over the flame, so that it only just touches. You need the flame to be touching the grunge paste side. Keep moving it, so that it does not catch fire, you really just need the extreme heat in small bursts over each area.

It will start to go very black with soot, but you will see that the Grunge Paste shrinks and cracks.

Once it has cooled carefully wipe away the loose soot, then you can apply Treasure Gold.

These are not the most robust of embellishments, once glued onto something they are fine. But they would be no good for jewellery or something that gets daily handling.

Next I made a butterfly..
1. I started by colouring some copper sheet with alcohol inks, then I stamped my butterfly stamp using Stazon.
2. I cut it out, turned it over and rubbed into the back using a paper stump, to create the embossed look.
3. I then decided red didn't work, so I made a green one.

I added silicone glue to the back of the hearts and the butterfly. This ensures they are well stuck to the painting, while being raised slightly, creating more of a 3d look.

Here she is all finished..

So there you go.. 'That's all Folks' …

It has been a pleasure bringing these projects to you, I hope you have enjoyed them. Thank you to Mark and Leandra for allowing me to be a part of this great semester, it's been a wonderful summer.

Darcy xxx

P.S Hop on over to my blog to see how you can win some of my new heart stamps.

Leandra Says: Wow, where to start Darcy. its been an utter joy to watch you at work, and to have you contribute to the blog. Stamps is the icing on the cake! Can't thank you enough for your dedication, and enthusiasm. You are the bomb! I know this is just the beginning not the end! Thank you so much! xxx

Gillian Says: Oh La La Darcy ... Miss Fleur looks absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. The depth and detail of layers as always has just blown me away. Congrats on the new designs ... definitely a stamp set that is going to be well used in this household. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all your amazing artwork over the last four months and your dedication. This I somehow think won't be the end lol:) xx

To win a set of Darcy's stamps, leave a comment, we have 2 sets to give away here, and so does Darcy on her blog! Don't forget, there is still the challenge for this week, you have till Sunday! Get some cracked burnt hearts going!


sam21ski said...

WOW this is fantastic and I love, love, love your brand new stamp plates, those hearts and clocks are absolutely fabulous

Sam xxx

Julie Lee said...

Wow! Darcy! Lucky you getting to design some stamps - you must have been sooo excited and they are just terrific, which is no surprise! Thank you for all the inspiration you give. It's sad to say 'Goodbye', but maybe we'll meet some day? Ooh, yes, boy, do I want to win those stamps! And Fleur is just amazing!!! Julie Ann xx

Helen said...

holy moly, that is fabulous!! I love those heart stamps, what a gorgeous selection... I will NEED them! Your 4 months working with PA has flown by - with all those wonderful live in the memory projects you have created. Thanks for those, and for the inspiration. xx

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Fabulous! I love seeing in progress pictures and how amazingly the painting evolves. :)

Susan said...

Darcy seriously you never cease to amaze me with your creativity and your gorgeous finished pieces! Thank you for all the step by step photos I liked very much seeing you work on each stage! And congrats on those gorgeous stamps I LOVE THE VINE especially! Susan "LoveRibbons01"

becslb said...

Love the stamps and love Fleur! I hope we get too see more stamps from Darcy and also more of Darcy's fantastic art on the PaperArtsy blog!

margaret said...

OMG I need these stamps they are amazing, the projects are fab too, now what can I do with what I have at the moment!!!

Unknown said...

Darcy, you saved the best for last!! And your stamps look fantastic - great job all round. xox

Anonymous said...

Wow. How spectacular & gorgeous is Miss Fleur??? I know I'm repeating myself, but you are a artistic genius Darcy. And I love the new stamps, every one is a must have. Thank you so much for all the incredible inspiration over the last four months.

Sheri said...

awesome project. congrats on the stamps!

Steven said...

I'm running out of superlatives for you! Been a joy to get all excited waiting to see what you are going to share with us and then get blown away with the project and the ideas! Hurry back (are you listening Leandra?)

Unknown said...

That is truly stunning and I need those stamps. As they said in Wayne's World "we're not worthy!". Such a wonderful array of projects, with such a different slant on things. Thank you for sharing

Jay said...

Seeing this all come together over long nites and many chances is great, awesome job and congrats on the stamps u earned it fr sure

shari said...

She's FABULOUS! Love the new stamps.

Ginger said...

I love seeing the transformation as you added your colour to her. amazing. x

Lin said...

Darcy!!! I don't know what to say!!! and that is unusual for me..that project is amazing and those stamps!! well they are the icing on a big fat cake!!! Thank you so much for all the work you've put into wowing us with your projects..and I agree this is just the beginning!!

Gina said...

I truly do not know what to say..*bows down in awe* I am so far beyond impressed that I can't even think straight :D XXX

Distracted said...

my goodness, Darcy, that was something of a tour de force. What a fantastic project and I lobe your stamps, can't wait to get my mits in those.

Kimberly S said...

What a fabulous transformation to see! Awesome painting, and wonderful stamp sets. Thanks so much for the inspiration! hugs, Kimberly

Gabrielle said...

LOVED reading the step by step stages! Fascinating to see how you've built up the colours and layers until you finally decide it's finished! Huge, huge congrats on the stamps - they look AMAZING!

Pavla said...

I was left speechless for some time - such amazing stamps, Darcy!

ionabunny said...

Fantastic project. It's amazing to follow the process with you. Love the butterfly. Totally love those stamps. Everything crossed cos they are fab. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas. It's been a pleasure

Karin said...

Miss Fleur looks absolutely fabulous. And the stamps that you designed are perfect for her. Thanks for sharing so many amazing projects.

Janet said...

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss Fleur is out of this world, stunning, love your stamps, they so look like tattoo's
Janet x

Kathi said...

That painting is magnificent. I love all the detail, layers of color, and and her facial expression. Actually, I just love the whole thing.

I especially love your new stamps, which will be added to my ever-growing "Paper Artsy Wish List"!

Lastly, thank you for your sharing your fabulous artwork and taking the time to step out the photos and write concise instrusctions!

Unknown said...

Wow, absolutely stunning. It's so interesting see how it evolved and was so different at the end. Love the new stamps too, they look fab.

Emma x

Anonymous said...

Love the little hearts on her face. Nice to see the whole process.

Lucy Edmondson said...

Fleur is amazing! And those new stamps - I went 'OMG' as I scrolled down! Thank you so much for all the work you have put into wowing us,

Lucy x

Maggie said...

OMG! I am trying to find words to fit your fantastic work of art, Wow! Love the Hearts smoked over the candle, she is absolutely Stunning thank you for sharing


Mariëtte said...

What a project, amazing work. And what a great design on the heart stamps. Congrats.

Carol Q said...

I dunno Darcy, I think you've surpassed yourself and then you do it all over again the next night. What a beautiful creation Fleur is and obviously I've just added 2 plates of stamps to my wish list. Thanks again for all the wonderful work you brought to us!

Yvonne Garner said...

This is amazing! Love, love, love these new heart images and how you used them.

Maz said...

LOVE those stamps and, as usual, what you've done with them. I sincerely hope we see more of Darcy at Paperartsy! x

Cocofolies said...

Wow, wow, wow, WOW, what could I say more ?!!! Congratulations to Darcy for all the fabulous projects and makes she does for PA... Thank you for sharing all these terrific and great things and a lot of tips. Fab new hearts stamps too ! :) Coco x

Glennis F said...

Wow! I am speechless again - this is just so amazing! I would love to win a set of these stamps

Carmen said...

Loved seeing her emerge. What a fabulous final piece Darcy - she's amazing!

Sue said...

WOW Darcy this is just amazing, and I LOVE your stamps xx

Jacqui Chimes said...

Gorgeous painting - gorgeous stamps

Margriet said...

Loved to see how you made miss Fleur, she's beatiful! You stamps are great!!!

Unknown said...

You are super talented again a fab design-congrats on the stamps love them x

Helen Anderson said...

Fabulous. Utterly fabulous! Well done Darcy :)

massofhair said...

Ms Fleur is stunning and would look quite at home on her own set of designer clothing!

Sad to see your semester come to an end but i know you will be back. We need more stamp designs from you and we need to be kept up to date on how Colin is.

Thank you for giving me so much inspiration Darcy it has been a great pleasure to be introduced to someone so very very talented and who loves to share her knowledge :-)

Emma Joyner said...

Fab design Darcy! Get you! Designer. Such great instructions on how the canvas developed too. Thank you x

Craftyfield said...

Your lady is amazing and the grunge paste sooted hearts fantastic!

susiesu said...

WOW am speechless! Miss Fleur is absolutely gorgeous Darcy. Thank you so much for sharing with us. You must have been so excited to design and use your own stamps. What a thrill. Congratulations PaperArtsy for spotting a unique talent. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win a set of these fab stamps - I shall def be buying them if I don't win. lol Susiesu xxx

Linda Hart said...

Love those stamps, and so sorry your current DT ship has come to an end, but surely you could not have kept that pace up, anyway!!! Your work just astonishes me - I love it all.

Quiltmomof6 said...

Fleur turned out wonderful. Thanks for explaining the layers, and how you obtained them. I love the heart stamps!

Mary Kaye W. said...

Hearts, gears, clocks. Only Keys are missing as my 4 favorite images. These are beautiful!!! Love and surely hope I win! Congrats on these beauties! Sigh...... I surely do love beauty. And admire those that create. The plan comes together when we each make our own contribution to the world. Love it!

Sue Abbott said...

Love the project, love the stamp sets and love the grunge paste hearts technique. Inspirational, thanks!!!! x

Clipping Path said...

Pretty lovely designs collection. I am so wonder after visit your design.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Darcy is a fantastic artist. Very impressive artwork, AND step-out photos. This is definitely justification for Darcy's ability and art. Glad she was a featured artist, as I really love her work. And now I love her stamps, too.

jojo79 said...

Wow Darcy, this is amazing and I love the stamps. Has been a great semester and have really enjoyed seeing your creations.


Paperfanatic said...

this is stunning! lots of wonderful techniques and tips and such a fantastic set of stamps!

Keren Baker said...

Your artistry is wonderful. Amazing to see the process too!

Anna said...

Oh what a fun piece!! So much color and depth!

Gill said...

This is fantastic - and amazing to watch your methods as you created this!

The Hardy Stamper said...

Thank you Darcy - I have so enjoyed seeing your amazing work over the last few months and am quite sad to see your term come to an end. The new stamps are simply lovely - especially the heart vine and the patchwork tin heart. Thank you Leandra for the chance to a set!

Dame Jeanne Marie said...

An amazing and intricate project all stepped out. Darcy has a fantastic talent...wish I could just borrow a tiny bit from her! I am going to try he grunge paste bit!

Karen R said...

These are lovely stamps, fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

Fab stamps Darcy...They're on my ever growing wishlist! I must say that I've really enjoyed all the projects u have done over the last few months. U have inspired me & so many of us! THANKYOU! xxxxx

Kate Yetter said...

These are awesome stamp sets. Love the canvas, Darcy!

Miriam said...

Oh my - fabulous work from the #3upers! As for the new stamp sets - I NEED them!!! Wonderful work!

Dawn Louise said...

Wow amazing and totally inspiring, one talented lady. Your new stamps are perfect congratulations x

yoursartfully said...

Oh my!!! Darcy it has been amazing to watch how your projects unfold, to loin in in your thought process is such fun. Your painting is just fabulous, as are your stamp designs. I'm particularly in love with the twirly vine with the little hearts, that is going to be very useful indeed.


Joyce said...

I'm just stunned by your talents and quirky sense of humor too! It was SUCH a pleasure to see all of your many creations over the course of your term...I hope you will be back again soon!!!!!!!

Joanie said...

Wow, wow,wow!!! Amazing! Totally in awe of your creativity!!

Kezzy said...

Wow wow wow absolutely truly out of this world awesome and I so am needing these stamps. I'm still camping but it's my birthday today and all I wanted was Internet access in a Internet cafe lol. I so miss my paperartsy lol. Thank you for all your amazing work Darcy. Kezzy :-) xxxxxx

Julie Lee said...

This is a comment on behalf of Kezzy at Kezzy's Crafty Journey! She is on holiday camping at the moment and can't comment in person as no internet so she asked me if I would. She just wanted to say 'Thank You' for all the fantastic inspiration you've given, Darcy, and that she is really 'gutted' that she hasn't been able to join in. Crafty Hugs from Kezzy xxx.

michele said...

love these versatile stamps, thanks for the technique lesson for the burnt hearts

Micki said...

I love those stamps, love the style - kind of bohemian, doodling style. LOVE them. As for that fabulous project, I love the hair but most of all I love her eyes, the way they are looking down. Gorgeous project and as always love the step by step.
Thank you so much for the chance to win one of those awesome heart stamps.

TAM said...

Simply awesome stamps

craftimamma said...

What an absolutely awesome final project Darcy. Miss Fleur is beautiful and so are your stamps. Thank you for all your brilliant inspiration this semester.

Lesley Xx

Trish said...

As always, truly amazing! The details are spectacular. I also love your new stamps - gorgeous!

Solo said...

These are incredible stamps made by the extremely talented Darcy !!!
WTG woman....many congrats as we watch you continue on your wonderful journey !!!

These are the best.....TYVM !!!!!