A deliciously fluorescent vibe for this release, and something to add a bit of zing in your step! But this announcement isn't just Mattints, we also have a new in-house stamp line from PaperArtsy - something a bit more modern in style, so read on!
Leandra will be along to share with you LIVE to share these brand new products and ideas over in our Facebook Group, 'PaperArtsy People' shortly after this post publishes, and ... don't forget
These stamps are available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists. Please check the list at the foot of this post to find a retailer online or geographically near you, it makes sense to order within your country where possible. Our retailers also endeavour to join the designer's live to share their direct shopping links - this makes it super easy for you to find a store with product in stock immediately.
Three new colours, Mojito, High Viz, Acid are here to get your summer vibe buzzing!
This takes us to 15 Mattints in total, and what a pretty rainbow it makes!
- transparent colours, ideal for colouring in gently
- buildable depth of colour, each layer adds a bit more colour
- adhesive (for thin papers such as tissue)
- a tint, to edit your layers
- sealant, to protect or glaze
- matte finish
- wonderful partner product with infusions.
- Mix into Fresco paints to add translucency
- Water based, environmentally friendly, acrylic formula
PaperArtsy Mattints
Price: RRP €5.26 +VAT
Size:50ml (1.7 fl oz)
Transparent Matte Tint, Adhesive & Sealant
These 3 colours are quite pale with the first coat, they are at the 'lighter end of the rainbow' but they build with subsequent coats. The easiest way to get a deeper colour is to apply them to tissue paper as it really soaks into the paper, and when you then use the Mattint as a glue the intensity builds so fast, and deepens as they dry too.
Mojito (MT14)
Mojito is a gorgeous green, lime zing oozes from the page. And lime green contrasts with Jam so nicely, which is why I chose Jam for this frame!
Acid (MT15)

Acid is lemony yellow, very pale, like homemade lemonade or lemon meringue pie. You can see how the colour builds in depth when layered on tissue, a super absorbent surface.
High Viz (MT15)

High Viz is super difficult to photograph, it is a bit softer, and also a bit more pink than the images suggest. When it sinks into tissue, it's depth builds fast. I know i keep telling you that, but if you want to get fast results, buy some blank tissue to use with it!!

We all love a swatch, right .... can you anme all 15 colours, and BTW, it really IS a good idea to swatch your colours, because we never remember colour in our heads quite as they are in reality!