Another fun filled
ArtsyCrafts weekend to remember has gone all too fast. Lin and I thoroughly enjoyed every single minute. They are hilarious events, lots of fun, laughter, and learning. This time I tweeted (follow me
here) all the way through the weekend and it was fun to get feedback from peeps all over the world following us as we worked. Twitter is like a mini blog, and I love commenting during the day on what we are up to and putting photos up on twitpic.
A lot of hard work happens behind the scenes in the lead up to ArtsyCrafts. A big thanks to Karen for kitting up perfectly again. How could we do it without her? She is a true gem. Lin and I can hardly call our play days together designing classes work now can we?? It all comes together when we start setting up the tables. Lots of space for everyone and a huge box of supplies to use!! Plus each peep gets their own meal tool kit for the whole weekend.
This time every person finished every project, and the extra time to embellish the arches paid off with gorgeous copper accents adding a new dimension to the finished pieces. The time theme was perfect for the arch, there was a lot of happy peeps so excited about the pieces they made. We liked the venue a lot and we will certainly be considering another event there in the Autumn. Some of the goodies we had for sale including all Tim's newest inks and other relevant toys!
Lin's daughter Sarah gets married in a couple of weeks (big excitement in the Brown household) and so once Lin has recovered we shall be putting the finishing touches to the May ArtsyCrafts events. I am so looking forward to the bird theme. It will be stunning.
BTW This is how the new mini packaging looks (below). We are gradually getting all the stock switched over.

I think there are only 1 or 2 places left on the first weekend of May ArtsyCrafts, week 2 is fully booked. If you want to go on the waiting list you can as we occasionally have the odd last minute cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. I am really looking forward to this one. The theme is Flights of Fancy, and we have some fabulous new stamps to incorporate into the projects. Simply can not wait. They will be available from April 1st online. Here is a sneak peek of the Squigglies, there are also some cool A5 new Ink and the Dog stamps called 'Hot Picks'. I'll save those for another day.
So here follows some weekend piccies, stamping on fabric.
embossing metal with scootchy tools
using moulds and pieces the metal around the frame
new Ten Seconds Moulds with a time theme (handy!)
adding some copper trim
beginning to paint distress - putting the paint on...then we take it off again!
adding paint to a terra-stamped slide-mailer
how amazing is this? LOVE it! We added stamped metal bellies to this project
In the evening we came back for a chilled session to sew the embellishments like tiny seed beads onto the stamped and coloured fabric. Not everyone's favourite task, but as an incentive we offered a secret project if they did speed sewing in 30 mins.
Each group was given a baggie of bits, and they had to make a card from their bits. My favourite bellie was these gorgeous tags stamped with the Urban Snapshots tree from
Plate 3. Adore this effect!!
If you were in Kay's group it was the hardest 30 mins of the weekend while she worked her team into a creative frenzy - drill sergeant major styley. Lin and I fell about laughing watching her competitive streak shine through but it all paid off as the whole group voted their team as the favourite card of the evening.... I think we were all impressed by the sheer number of products and techniques they squeezed in!!
Start of Sunday and we were straight into the 'Leandra beads' to embellish the bottom of the arches. Wooden painted beads dipped into UTEE, and perfect pearls worked perfectly as the finishing touch. Everyone managed these perfectly.
Those who didn't mica dip still had sparkly beads from the gorgeous Precious metal colour paints on the wooden bead base.
With the afternoon looming we started on stamped bellies for the arch. The 6 petal rose (
SIEN10) worked a treat for this creation of Kay's and generated lots of oohs and ahhs. She made a tape sandwich and said the rose held in position so easily, and even found this metal version easier than grunge-paper roses! I can't wait to have a go myself! Love it when people do their own thing in class, we were all inspired by the individuality expressed on each arch at this stage.
Amy also did a rose with the same stamp, and she ran hers thru the bug with quite different results. We all totally loved this too, so now we have another version to try very awesome!!
But there were other gorgeous flower creations going on around the room too. These ones are from
SIEN4 which is a fabulous plate. You can make diddy flowers for the centre with shrink plastic!
How about a crown or Fleur de Lis?
And this gets the genius award....metal buttons!!! How cool, and with thread. I tell you...these guys may have been metal beginners..but boy were they good!!
How about this arty idea from Mell - love how the copper is positioned at the foot of the frame with the contrast of the eyelets!
Alice was totally chuffed with how hers turned out.
My Auntie Alice (left) dropped in to have a catch up at lunch with me and stayed to see what the ladies had been up to. She was fascinated with everything they had achieved over the weekend.
And after lunch the last session. A new take on the platter we made in a previous AC. This time a tiny tray was painted and the metal embossed and sanded. All the colours made for such different results.
Mell did pink
This blue and brown combo was very modern (here the pieces are just being loosely fitted.
And the greens also looked amazing....
And how about this chocolate - denim one!! How can you ever choose a favourite! They all were absolutely wonderful!
Well I think all that gives you a brilliant flavour of our fantabulous ArtsyCrafts weekend in Warrington. Yes you should have come! So don't miss the next one. There are only a few places left on the first May weekend (8th & 9th). Don't miss it!! All new classes and lots of new products to play with!!
Thanks ladies, you were wonderful. Sorry this isn't the best photo and this was before you were holding the arches....
oh and who can forget the lunchtime bunny! That's his paw behind my head. Cheeky bunny!