A note from Leandra:
Today we have Tracy here to share her awesome new stamps stencils, and 4 new paints! What a great way to start the week! You know she will have been up to all sorts to make this wonderful for you! Enjoy!
Today we have Tracy here to share her awesome new stamps stencils, and 4 new paints! What a great way to start the week! You know she will have been up to all sorts to make this wonderful for you! Enjoy!
I'll leave Tracy to share with you her stamp and stencil insights. Remember, all these products are available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists until July 2022. We encourage you to support retailers in your geographic territory, see the list and links at the bottom of this blog post or from the tab at the top of the blog.
Tracy will be live in PaperArtsy People at 7:30pm UK time, today, Monday April 25th to share her samples and ideas, and our stockists will be there to share their links too! Replay will be in the group.
Tracy will be live in PaperArtsy People at 7:30pm UK time, today, Monday April 25th to share her samples and ideas, and our stockists will be there to share their links too! Replay will be in the group.
Hi everyone, Tracy here
I'm here today to share my newest release... how do these releases always seem to come around so quickly?... So this time I have 3 stamp sets and 3 stencils but I also have 4 new awesome paint colours to add to my growing collection. And of course everything coordinates perfectly with all previous releases too so you can create endless possibilities.
I'm here today to share my newest release... how do these releases always seem to come around so quickly?... So this time I have 3 stamp sets and 3 stencils but I also have 4 new awesome paint colours to add to my growing collection. And of course everything coordinates perfectly with all previous releases too so you can create endless possibilities.
Sit back, grab a cup or glass of something nice (depending on where you are in the world!!) and let me take you through the new products.
So those of you who have been following my DoodleADay challenge on my Facebook group will know that funky flowers have been making a regular appearance and I just knew that some of these creations were just calling out to be made into stamps. I just love the quirkiness of these stamps and know that they will be perfect for all types of crafting projects.....
This set is perfect for art journal pages as in the photos above, you can see that I've used the stamps not only as the focal image for the page but also to create a wonderfully colourful background.
I also created this simple card below using a small stamp for the black and white background and then the largest image coloured in, and you will also see those flowers pop up in other samples as you read through this post.....
Tracy Scott Set 070 (TS070)
Whenever I design stamps, I have a general idea in mind of what I want them to do, but then sometimes when you start playing with them they just give you so much more than you imagined!
This is definitely one of those sets..... they are designed so that they can be used individually or they can fit inside one another to create a large number of variations (remember the circles set from the last release?....)
Once started using these I just knew they were going to be so versatile and have many uses.
First I created a simple card using couple of the square stamps for the background in black and white, and then extended out one of the larger square frames to create a larger label to house my word.
Most of you know that when I get new stamps I usually have a play with them in a cheap sketchbook to see what they can do.
Usually I only do this with black ink as per the first photo above, but this time as I took this sketchbook on my holidays with me I started to colour in some of the patterns to get a feel for what they would look like with details and colour added..... I think they came out pretty awesome don't you?
My last sample above I decided do something different, I'm having so much fun with coloured pencils at the moment and after playing in my sketchbook and creating jewels and gems within the square frames I knew I had to create this page. These frames look perfectly at home on this piece of jewellery and just using a few supplies and the stamps has created a stunning page in my sketchbook.
Tracy Scott Set 071 (TS071)
You all must know by now how much I adore a mandala and I'm always looking for ways to create stamps so that you get as much variation in a set as possible.
Obviously if I created an entire mandala I would be size-restricted and you would only get one stamp on the set with maybe a few small add on stamps..... so my solution was to create a section of a mandala that could be stamped repeatedly and voila we now have four large mandalas on one stamp set and of course they can all be mixed and matched to create various other possibilities.
For my first sample I created an accordion style book incorporating each style of mandala, I've only stamped out half a mandala on each page but you can see how it works, my background on this book was created with two of the new paint colours (Berry Nice and Lily the Pink) and two of my existing colours (Cerulean and Banana), they just work so well together.
Again, a little play in my sketchbook to get a feel for the stamps, they work perfectly too with the square frames to create some interesting variations, these combined with the frames. I think would be awesome on scrapbook pages too.
I found with these that because they are all drawn by hand, there is a small variation in the size of the sections, stamping out first in my sketchbook means that I now know which ones need to be stamped butted up next to each other and which ones can be stamped with a small gap in between, I highly recommend stamping onto scrap paper first to get a feel for the spacing before stamping onto a project or alternatively stamp and cut the sections to create a 3 dimensional layered project.
So the first of my stencils is a double, these mandala shapes are the perfect size for quick cards as well as perfect in a journal background and can also make a fabulous focal point.
In the journal page above I've used one of the mandala shapes to create a focal shaker window using embossing powder, and cutting out the centre, I just love how this stencil can be used for more than background details and just look at those gorgeous new paint colours and flower stamps.... just perfect together.
PaperArtsy Stencil 321 (PS321)
Everyone needs letters and numbers in their kit, perfect to be used in backgrounds eras a template formal your lettering or numbering needs.
The page above was created on A3 Kraft card so is quite large but the lettering from the stencil fits perfectly and really does create its own focal point and definitely adds to the page with the use of colouring pencils to match in with the flower.
All of the letters and numbers on this stencil have been hand drawn by me and so are not perfect and I love that it really does add the look of hand lettering rather than something that has been produced mechanically.
I'm sure if you go back through some of the other samples now you will see other places that I have used this stencil either in the background or for focal lettering.
PaperArtsy Stencil 322 (PS322)
Ok so last stencil for this release, who doesn't love swirls and teardrops? I adore this stencil, this one is going to become a firm favourite and will definitely get repeated uses over and over again, its just so pretty in a background for art journalling but would be perfect for cards and scrapbook pages to add beautiful details.
I had great fun adding a worn embossed look to the from cover of this Dina Wakley mixed media journal, I really wasn't very careful when I stencilled through as I didn't want it to be too perfect but of course you could take the time to add perfect stencilling if that is your preferred look. The stencil was big enough that I could create this divided look to my cover and then used the letter stencil to add my word to the centre. Pretty cool I think and certainly beats the plain black cover.

Price: RRP €4.58 +VAT Size:50ml
We have 4 new paints from Tracy to share with you today. All of these paints tend towards opaque, and the 2 semis will be opaque if you apply more than one layer.
Chantilly was a much needed off white, it has a yellow undertone, so will sit nicely under her lime green, yellow and orange or mute them down into pale versions.
Haze is a grey with a pink-purple base so again, sits well with her bright colours, and also will make an interesting mixing shade with many other of her colours.
She has often been a fan of bubble gum. Lily the Pink is a more purple pink and unlike any other shade we already have, beautiful with her palette for sure!
Finally Berry Nice is a stunning blue-purple with lots of oomph, and looks amazing with Tracy's bright blues.
Using just the 4 new colours together you get a lovely soft look, they work so well together and I love the way they look on this master board above with a little of Seths Squid Ink added into the mix. just beautiful!
A gorgeous background with the new paints on this journal page and they really do set off the brighter colours of the focal images.
And on these samples above, I've combined the Haze, Berry Nice and Lily The Pink with the Cerulean and Banana from my existing colours and WOW how vibrant do they look?
Love that the new colours can be muted down or brightened up dependant on how they are used, they coordinate perfectly with all my existing colours and are definitely a welcome addition to my growing collection of colours.
And of course here are the remaining 24 shades in Tracy's line...
Thank you so much for joining me again for the latest release, I truly appreciate your being here and don't forget that I will be going 'live' in the PaperArtsy People Facebook Group at 7:30PM BST to share these samples and maybe a few more!!!
Take care
Facebook: www.facebook.com/myjournallingjourney
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tr4cy1973
PaperArtsy Stockist List
Our stockists are your go-to source for all PaperArtsy products, and we suggest that you also use the PaperArtsy People Facebook group to source a retailer in your country. Many are members of our FB group and will happily share links to their online stores.
Bev's Cross Crafts, Spreyton, Tasmania https://www.bevscrosscrafts.com.au/
Crafters Cupboard, Berwick, Victoria www.crafterscupboard.com.au
Memories on the Murray, Murray Bridge, SA https://www.memoriesonthemurray.net/
Natalie May Scrapbooking, Dover Gardens, SA https://nataliemay.com.au/
Scrapbook Superstore & More, South Penrith, NSW https://www.scrapbooksuperstore.com.au/
The Scrapbooker's Confetti Box, Swansea, NSW https://thescrapbookersconfettibox.com/
The Scrapbook Store, North Perth,WA http://thescrapbookstore.com.au/
Time To Create, www.timetocreate.com.au
Time To Create, www.timetocreate.com.au
Cart N Scrap Art, Antwerp, www.cartnscrapart.be
Créatelier Caracolle, Liège, www.createliercaracolle.be
Clipper Street Scrapbook Company, Langley, BC. www.clipperstreet.com
Paper Art Creations Inc, Leduc, Alberta, www.paperartcreations.com/
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrap Addicts, Edmonton, Alberta www.scrapaddicts.ca/
Scrap and Bean, Edmonton, Alberta scrapandbean.com/
Scrapbooking Fairies, Drayton Valley, Alberta www.scrapbookingfairies.com/
The Paper & ink Boutique, Calgary, Alberta www.paperandinkboutique.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
Hobbyboden Scrapworld Samso www.hobbyboden.dk
Eirl Bancon Cartoscrap, Midi Pyrenees, www.cartoscrap.com
Fée Du Scrap, Saint Sébastien-Sur-Loire, www.feeduscrap.fr/
Horizon Créatif, Ste Jalle www.horizon-creatif.fr
Instant Créatif, La Possession, La Réunion, www.icreatif.re
Katzelkraft, Ingwiller www.katzelkraft.fr/en/
Kerudoc Creation, St Yvi www.kerudoccreation.com
Le Grenier des filles, Pierre Benite
Page de scrap, Saint Pavace, www.pagedescrap.fr/
Scrap Déco Home, Goutrens, www.scrapdecohome.fr/
Toutencolle, Dun sur Avon www.toutencolle.fr
Heidin Korttipaja, Istunmaki, www.korttipaja.fi/fi
Piia Paper, Kittilä, www.piiapaper.com/fi
Stempelbar, Berlin, www.stempelbar.de
Stempeloase Munich, Munich www.stempeloase.de
Stempelfee Shop, Hilden www.stempelfee-shop.de
Stempellaedle, Stuttgart, www.stempellaedle.de/shop
Scraps N Pieces, Kallithea www.scrapsnpieces.gr
Immagine SAS di Rapaccini, Rome, www.immaginelab.com
Il Negozio Della Mamma Di Cle, Torino, www.ilnegoziodellamammadicle.com
Marte Savona, Savona, www.martesavona.it
Pezze E Colori, Lissone, www.pezzeecolori.it/
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
La Wadao, Odawara, Kanagawa, www.lawadao.com
Tiny Dots, Funabashi-shi, Chiba www.tinydots.shop-pro.jp
De Hobbystudio, Genemuiden, www.dehobbystudio.nl/
Doe@ding,Spijkenisse doeading.nl/
Hobbycompleet de Duif, Leeuwarden www.hobbycompleet.nl
Stampingcorner, Capelle Aan Den Ijssel www.stampingcorner.nl
Hobbygarasjen, Kopervik, www.Hobbygarasjen.no
Cien por Cien Manualidades, Barcelona, www.100x100manualidades.es
Ideas 10 Manualidades Y Scrapbook, Bilbao ideas10manualidades.com/
Marakiscrap, Tarragona, www.marakiscrap.com
Scrap & Papers Experiences, Barcelona, www.scrappapersexperiences.com
The Paradise Corner, Barcelona, www.theparadisecorner.com
Butik Elva, Staffanstorp, www.butikelva.se
Mandy's Cards, Taipei www.facebook.com/mandy.card.77
United Kingdom
Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, Warwickshire www.ameliascreativecrafts.co.uk
Art from the Heart, Harrogate, Yorkshire www.afth.co.uk
Blade Rubber Stamps, London www.bladerubberstamps.co.uk
Crafts at The Malthouse, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, www.themalthouse.co.uk/
Fave Rave, Stourbridge, West Midlands www.shabbychicstencils.co.uk
Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, www.loobicrafts.co.uk
Papermaze, Ipswich, Suffolk www.papermaze.co.uk/
Stampers Grove, Springbank, Lilliesleaf, Melrose,Scotland www.stampersgrove.co.uk
The Artistic Stamper Craft Store, Faversham, Kent www.theartisticstamper.com
The Forget me not Kraft Kabin, Rochford, Essex, www.TheForgetMeNotKraftKabin.co.uk
Artistic Artifacts, Alexandria, VA www.artisticartifacts.com/
Artistic Studio Creations, Fayetteville, Georgia www.facebook.com/ASCbyCrystal
Craftiness, Chatsworth, CA, www.craftinessonline.com/
Ephemera Paducah, Paducah, Kentucky www.ephemerapaducah.com
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, Lake Worth, Florida www.everythingscrapbook.com
Frantic Stamper, Oregon www.franticstamper.com
Free Heart LLC, Denver, Colarado, www.freeheartllc.com/
Golden Hills PaperCrafts, Fairfax Station, Virginia, www.goldenshillpapercrafts.com/
Joggles, West Warwick, Rhode Island, www.joggles.com
PaperCraft Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut, papercraftclubhouse.com/
Qingquing's Stamp Shop, Portland, Oregon
Runaway, Art & Craft Studio, NE Salem, Oregon www.runawayart.com/
Simon Says Stamp, Columbus, Ohio www. simonsaysstamp.com
Topflight Stamps, Irmo, South Carolina topflightstamps.com/
Our brand is only available from established stockists who are VAT/ GST/ sales tax registered and for whom product education is a core principle. We would rather supply a few hand selected stockists, than the greater masses. If you would like to apply to be a stockist, you can find our more about our supply criteria here.
PaperArtsy Links
Facebook Group PaperArtsy People
Facebook Page PaperArtsy
Twitter twitter.com/paperartsy
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YouTube youtube.com/user/PaperArtsy
Superb release Tracy and gorgeous colourful samples. Congratulations!
some fabulous new stamps, the stencils and paints are pretty awesome too. Love the samples. Well done Tracy, another stunning release!
Absolutely amazing! Beautiful as-is but so many more possibilities to explore with all of these. Thank you Tracy and Paper Artsy for the many happy hours creating to come!
Massive congratulations to you Tracy for continuing to fill any gap in your collection. I think each set will work seamlessly with your older sets. I marveled at how you made butterflies from the mandala pieces, how clever! I enjoyed seeing your live on replay and thank you so much for taking the time to share such wonderful inspiration with us. xx, Autumn
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