Saturday 16 March 2019

2019 #3 Mail Art: Spring Mail with ESN {by Josefine Fouarge}

2019 Topic 3: Mail Art

I love the simplicity of this, and we have a happy accident in the mix too! Josefine has also made a video for you, so check it out! And subscribe to her channel! ~ Leandra

Hi everyone,
Josefine here. I love to try new things, new techniques and even new art styles. I haven't tried mail art before, always admired others from afar though. So, this was a great opportunity to jump in and test it myself. And I have to say, it's so much fun!

I used Sara Naumann's new stamp set ESN34 (See stockists here) and mixed it with a stencil from Darcy (PS103). 

I tried to keep it simple, so I only used a few paints - Peach Nectar and Lemon Meringue for the birds and Taupe and Mud Splat for the tree trunk.

I created two envelopes. One was meant to be and the other happened by accident. I used it as a clean up area but at the end, it turned out really nice. You can see all the details in my video:

It's fascinating how the accidents sometimes become the preferred project. Don't get me wrong, I love both, but that grungy bird has something special.

When was the last time you tried something new? If you've never used an envelope as your canvas, I highly encourage you to do so. It's super interesting to work with the different size and paper. Plus, now your postman/ postwoman has something to look forward too when you send it out.

Thanks so much for stopping by. 

Facebook: HolyLise
Instagram: @HolyLise
YouTube: HolyLise Designs


Miriam said...

These are wonderful. . And I love Happy accidents!

Craftyfield said...

The grungy bird envelope is also my favourite! Gorgeous!

craftytrog said...

Great video, and I love your mail art Josefine! Especially the grungy one ;-)
Alison xx

Corrie Herriman said...

Love !
Corrie x

HolyLise said...

Thanks, everyone :)
I’m so glad you all like it !