Friday 10 April 2015

Spring 2015 #3UP {Red, Grey, White, Black}

3UP is a feature we run at the conclusion of each semester. We highlight the creativity of our blog and PaperArtsy fans who follow via various social media.The #3UPpers volunteer blind, are given a brief. This time they were asked to work with a specific colour palette and at the same time, incorporate one of the themes explored on the blog of the last 6 topics.

A reminder of those topics:
1. Fragile Papers
2. Shiny Stuff
3. Paint
4. Miniature Art
5. Deconstruction
6. Grunge Paste
Each night this week, Leandra has asked one of our regular bloggers to curate the evening. As you are probably aware, #3UP falls in the middle of 2 shows and PaperArtsy has a team at both: Ally Pally on April  11-12, and Version Scrap in Paris from April 9-12, so the administrative assistance is very much appreciated!

Hi everyone Darcy here, curating day 5 of a fabulous week of #3UP posts. It was my task to choose tonight's colour palette: Red, Grey, White, Black. When Leandra asked me for a colour scheme, these immediately came to mind. I am an 80's girl, and back in the day, red and grey were everywhere. I love the very graphic feel of these 4 together: in some ways hard to control as they are each so dominant. I was excited to see what my 3uppers would create.  

Leandra gave me a randomly selected team from all the applicants, and they are each focusing on some of the themes we have explored on the blog this semester. Let's see what the 3 people up tonight suggest you could do. Enjoy!

First up it's Kate Vansuch from Every Day Needs A Little Glitter
My first guest this evening is Kate, do go and take a look at her blog where you will find some great mixed media pieces combined with lovely watercolours. There are lots of nature themed pieces and I love the way she does trees. This technique has transferred brilliantly into miniature art for tonight. 

Kate says: 
I am a Hospice nurse and mother of 3 who finds art to be therapeutic. I am inspired by the world around me-relationships, nature, emotion. I chose miniature art because I enjoy having limited space to express myself and I think diminutive objects are unique because a lot of the detail has to be imagined by the observer.

I used gesso, water color pencils, acrylic paint in Bright Red and Black, Retro Flakes, and water color paper for the birch trees.  

Lace and cardboard are the border and an old playing card is my canvas.

Next it's Sue Butler from Scrumplescrunch

My next guest is Sue, I was blown away looking on her blog. So much inspiration, layers,textures, journals,art dolls, you name it and Sue does it.. and does it beautifully. Go and visit, there is something to inspire everyone over there. Tonight Sue has chosen the theme of paint. 

Sue says: Hello, I am Sue  and I live in New Zealand.  I have been blogging for 5years, but I have been using my hands for a variety of crafts for many years. All are self taught, through initially books and now the internet. I love the process of learning new skills, and my ideas are formed by my innate curiosity in everything around me; another word for this is nosey! I am inspired by colour, the challenge is the ability to give a new design to what already exists. 
I cover many genres, from Shabby Chic to Mixed Media, there is a nothing more satisfying to me than getting my hands all dirtied up with paint;  I see it like feeding myself to the point of bursting! Blogging allows me to share my ideas and make connections, which is key to my creativity.


​ I often include stitching in my work along with fibres, as I believe Art should be touched, I encourage this in my designs by using tactile elements.

​I also enjoy layering and fussy cutting.
More details can be found on how I made this on my blog.

Finally it's Catherine Johnson from Inky Fingered Cat

My third guest tonight is Catherine, if you visit her blog you will see that Catherine is a prolific crafter/blogger. From journal pages to fabric projects and all kinds of inky pieces, Catherine's pieces are diverse in style but also use of supplies. Tonight Catherine is using the grunge paste theme and also the shiny stuff theme. 
Catherine says: Hi Catherine (aka Catiecuddles) here. So pleased to bring you my texture and shiny theme for this semesters #3UP.  I chose texture (altered grunge paste) because I love creating things that have depth in them, and shiny because who doesn't like a bit of bling, even when creating something grungy? 

I combined layer upon layer using, texture paste, stencils and stamping with ink and paint to make my little hanging plaque.  Circles are my thing at the moment... Don't seem to be able to finish a piece without adding them somehow.  May have gone a tad overboard on the circles in this case, but love how they worked overlapping each other and with different finishes.

The shiny finish was provided by using treasure gold, glossy accents and glitter glue.  I softened the plaque by trimming the wire hanger with yarns and ribbons - some of which were also shiny although it was difficult to get that to show in a photo.

I love the final piece, and the only thing I think I would have done differently was to try and add some stamping into the texture paste circles before they were dry to add a different finish to those circles... Hindsight is of course a wonderful thing, but hey I love it nonetheless!

Well, three very striking pieces and all in my favourite colour scheme. I feel thoroughly spoiled. I adore Kate's tiny cardinals perched in trees. Sue's layered,butterfly canvas is so striking with perfect finishing touches of stitching. Finally, Catherine's texture piece just needs to be touched. I too love circles, these call to me. I know that this piece is going to be a gift and I am sure her friend will adore it. 

Many thanks to all three of my guests, curating these ladies has been an absolute pleasure. please do visit all their blogs and say hi to them. 

Remember the challenge for the  current Blog Topic of Altered Grunge (or any kind of Texture) Paste is still open until April 12th, you are Welcome to link your creativity here until 17:00 that Evening, Winners will be announced 2 hours later at 19:00. 


Julie Lee said...

What a great colour combo! Really different! xx

Helen said...

Wow, Kate Sue and Catherine, what totally gorgeous projects!!

Gabrielle said...

Fabulous projects from some inspirational peeps and a terrific colour challenge Darcy! What an amazing week!

Kirsten said...

These are great! I love this colour combination & you've all used it so well. Love the little birds on Kate's birch trees, Sue's butterfly is beautiful & Catherine's plaque looks fab with the Treasure Gold.

craftytrog said...

Love this colour combination, fabulous art from everyone!

Miriam said...

Love the colours..... makes the projects pop!! Great art everyone - love it!

Karen P said...

Seen so many beautiful inspirations and each one so different - it's been such fantastic inspiration this week. Thank you PaperArtsy and all you lovely creators Karen

CastleKelly Crafts said...

Wow, all 3 are stunning projects, well done to all x

Von said...

Oh wow !!! All three are fabulous in their very uniqueness! I love the creative styles each brings to this colour palette! Well done ladies!!

Jane said...

3 superb pieces, well done ladies such wonderful creativity x

craftimamma said...

Love this dramatic colour combo and well done to the three designers who produces such fab pieces. Wonderful detail on all three pieces and I'm going back now to soak up the inspiration a little more. Thanks ladies!

Lesley Xx

Lucy Edmondson said...

What amazing projects! I love the colour scheme and you have all done it proud! What a fab week it's been!

Lucy x

Cocofolies said...

Three fantastic projects!!! I love this colour scheme too, and the illustrations are really beautiful. Coco x