Thursday 17 January 2019

NEW: Seth Apter {by Ruth Mescall}

Jan 2019 New Products
Eclectica³ Collection {Seth Apter}

A note from Leandra:
I don't know how Ruth does it, but she seems to make magic effortlessly when she gets out paint, infusions and a little touch of bling! Here colour palette is always subdued, and I think her ideas are perfect for interior decor projects. I can imagine a house full of Ruth art experiments! 

Yesterday, Seth announced his new products and a list of stockists here, so if you want to know more take a look there, meantime, buckle up for a good dash of infusions and Ruth!   ~ Leandra 

Hi everyone, it's Ruth with you today, and I'd like to share with you an idea for project using Seth's wonderful new stamps, it's also confession time, I felt so inspired I couldn't limit myself to using just a few of the stamps...I think I used them all! 

Here's a reminder of Seth's new stamps announced yesterday and available from PA stockists now.


With lots of wonderful circular imagery in this release my first idea was to use the grid image from ESA11 as a background and lots of interweaving circles from ESA12 on top as a card or wall art but this very quickly became a journal cover and then the idea just grew. 

I knew I wanted to use infusions and hoped they would mingle in the white embossed grid. Having painted the background with Chalk I sprinkled on Olive Tree infusions before spritzing and also dry brushed the album edges with Steel Grey Fresco paint.The seek image EM39 on acetate was a must-use for the front cover framed by one of the circular images. A perfectly coordinated Leandra-bead from my stash complemented the shrink plastic hand image on the spine.

Circles overlapping, sitting inside one another, tumbling over the edge, boy did I have fun....and yes a touch of gold here and there. I used a mix of paper in the album and Smoothy Stamping 340gsm for the 'die cuts'...I was easily able to find a circle die that would trim the inside of the circle for me and then trimmed the outer edge of the image by hand.

More circles, this one is such a crisp image and already a favourite. I used two colours of inkpad to create the shading, lightly tapping with a darker one. A black pen added dashes throughout the album pages.

I found the mini stamps worked great along the edge of the pages, this brick image in 2 colours worked so well under the circles and whilst I've created a mini album with simple stamping, the ideas could easily be transferred to cards. 

From circles to squares and rectangles and more stamps that layer up so well. 

The images are so detailed that they still work beautifully when stamping with infusions, this is one of my favourite techniques that creates a subdued watercolour effect.

Stamped with ink for this page, can you tell the watch frame is another favourite.

An infused hand! Unfortunately I can't share all the pages here today (there are loads!) but promise I will share the remainder on my blog very soon. 

I thought I'd end by going back to the beginning and share some more details from the front and back covers.

I think this photo shows how well the circular images work together and if wanted can sit inside one another. These stamps are perfect for mixed media projects, journal pages or simple cards and the mini album would make a great teaching project, either making your own journal or decorating the pages of a bought one with simple stamping. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to unleash my creativity with these inspiring stamp designs, it's yet another great release from Seth!

Ruth x

Blog: a love to create
Twitter: argeum1
Instagram: argeum1
Pinterest: Ruth Mescall

These stamps are available from PaperArtsy retailers now, see the product announcement post here for details. 


craftytrog said...

So much gorgeousness Ruth!!!

Sarah Anderson said...

Ruth this is just stunning, so, so beautiful

Miriam said...

Stunning project Ruth. ... Awesome!

Hazel Agnew said...

Oh Ruth, I am salivating!! Where do I start! I adore circles and you certainly rocked them. The textures are to die for and intermingling shapes with touches of gold have me ridiculously excited! Another triumph! Look forward to more details on your blog! Xx 😱😱

A Pink said...

An absolute stunner of a project, Ruth and an amazing showcasing of all Seths fabulous NR stamps . A terrific post and so well written .
Tfs x

Lauren Hatwell said...


Flo Langley said...

Stunning!! Love everything about it :)

Words and Pictures said...

Absolutely stunning work, Ruth - like Hazel, I'm ridiculously excited! Amazing mixed media textures, yet such subtle colour tones, with those magical hints of gold. That infused hand is so beautiful - I'd love to know more about how you did that, so I'm looking forward to more over at yours soon. You've made Seth's stamps look even more tempting!
Alison x

Etsuko said...

Absolutely gorgeous Ruth!! Great design and techniques, this is perfect use by Seth's new stamps. xx

Ruth said...

Thankyou everyone for your fabulous comments, I really appreciate them! I just loved working with these stamps and I know you will too! Thanks PA for letting me play xxx

geezercrafter said...

Amazing Ruth, love it.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great project and loving the new stamps. Happy creative weekend, Angela xXx

pearshapedcrafting said...

I was already tempted by Seth's stamps but you have created such a stunning journal I now more than just a few! Love the infusions stamping too, great colours and further temptation!!! Looking forward to getting back to some blogging and seeing more! Hugs, Chrisx

Anonymous said...

I'm just hyperventilating!! So many lush layers, there's more to look at the whole time!

Jennie Atkinson said...

Wow Ruth !!! you have created such a stunning book! The covers are just breathtakingly beautiful and then the stamped pages ........ absolutely stunning! I didn't think these stamps were for me, but now I WANT THEM! I love your stamping with infusions and really look forward to seeing more on your blog. Have a great weekend! Jennie x

SewPaperPaint said...

Ruth, this is absolutely marvelous! I love how you've used Infusions, your colors and the great contrast you created against the grey/white background pages. Such an inspiration! Autumn

PaperArtsy said...

So we are just back from Phoenix, and I had your lovely book on the desk and people were totally drooling!! Seth and I wanted to do a live stream of it, but we were never together at the same time to do so. He was demoing on numerous stands, and I was juggling classes, make and takes, demos and writing orders. we had a great show, and time just flew! I think Frankfurt will be less frantic, we are enroute now, build up tomorrow (Thurs). It's a stunner Ruth, every page an absolute delight!!

Christel said...

Gorgeous colors.. love i! Is it "drawing ink" from Winsor & Newton in the gold that you used?
Thanks Ruth -