Monday 20 June 2016

2016 #12 Bespoke Fabric Case {by Debs Wainwright}

 2016 Topic 12: Fabric

Hi everyone Debs here with you tonight, I hope you are all well.

I'd like to share a phone case I have decorated. I jumped at the chance to join in with the inspiration for the fabric challenge. I wanted a new phone case and thought it would be perfect for the challenge, however, things didn't go to plan. The sewing machine would not work correctly; I'm not very good with a machine and have no idea about maintenance so had to go with plan b. This was to use a ready made case which I have in plain cream silk.
Step One:  To give back ground colour I sprayed the case with Lyndys SG sprays and ironed it dry on a low heat. I created a sky and ground on back and front of the case. Once totally dry I stamped the features using black Archival Ink and Squiggly Ink Flora and Fauna 3 .

Flora & Fauna 3

Step Two: It was difficult to photograph the case, as the mica from the sprays were picked up by the light, and gave a grunginess look to the background. It is brighter than the photos captured. I was happy with how it looked so continued, and that's where the problems started. I wanted to use Fancolour Water Soluble Pens  to colour in the stamping but forgot what would happen using silk. It bleeds! I knew this from a mini silk painting workshop I did but completely forgot, so ended up with this. I still continued, thinking I would repair the bleed. 
Step Three: I filled the rest in being careful not to go the edge so that the ink stayed within the lines. It was quite satisfying adding small amounts and seeining the ink spread out.
Step Four I completed the other side in the same way, making sure not to go to close to the edge. The Mica really does sparkle in the sun.
Here's a close up 
Although it came good in the end, the lesson I learnt was to always test your fabric first. With hindsight I think I would have painted  the case with Fresco Acrylic Paint first and then stamped etc on top. The fabric would have been more stable, but still I'm happy with this for now, even if I am planning another one now mum's sorted out the machine. I hope I have inspired you to have a go, just remember test your fabric first. 
It was great being here with you this evening and hope to see you soon, take care as always, Hugs Debs xxx
You can see more of my work On the following:
Debs your not alone being machine challenged I bet. Great to see Plan B spring into action. The Sqiggly Ink images and summer colour palette are the perfect way to brighten up this bespoke phone case. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. ~Gillian
We would love to see how you interpret this House topic by linking what you make to our 2016 Challenge #12: Fabric, on this page HERE.
All of our bloggers love to see your twist on their ideas,  particularly if you were inspired directly by their post. 
All links go in the draw to win a £50 voucher to spend on products of your choice from the PaperArtsy online store. The Fabric link will close 17:00 (London Time) Sunday, June 26th 2016. The winner will be announced 2 hours later at 19:00.


Helen said...

what a great phone case. The little birds are fab! I should probably get (make) one for my phone..

Craftyfield said...

I have made 3 phone cases already, with varying degree of success, and I do need to make yet another one! It's so nice to have something completely custom that you see and use all the time!
Yours is very cool, I love the colours and fun images.

Miriam said...

Fabulous phone case Debs - lovely idea

Julie Lee said...

What a lovely, whimsical phone case. xx

craftimamma said...

Love those Squiggly Ink Images & your phone case Debs.

Lesley Xx

craftimamma said...

Love those Squiggly Ink Images & your phone case Debs.

Lesley Xx

Etsuko said...

What a fabulous phone case! The image so lovely. xx

craftytrog said...

Super cute!!! xx

Michele said...

this is really very lovely! xo

pearshapedcrafting said...

I love this! Great choices to make your fun case!