"Hello everyone. Alison here
again, with my third and final project for October... and this one’s a little
bit craaazy. It also has two alternate
endings. Those of a nervous disposition
may want to avoid the final stage! This one was prompted by several triggers: firstly the weird and
wonderful Ink & the Dog Dolls stamps themselves".
ID Dolls 1
ID Dolls 2
ID Dolls 3
ID Dolls 4
ID Dolls 2
ID Dolls 3
ID Dolls 4
Secondly, a fabulously long and skinny bit of wood (the sloping
walkway from a rocking wooden cat toy which was broken and being thrown out in
the massive house-clearing that’s going on) ...
And, finally the inevitable journey that my head takes from Dolls to
dollshouses because of my mother’s lifelong hobby (obsession?) collecting them,
which has led to her having her own small dollshouse museum in the Czech
Republic, Small Worlds. You can read all about it here http://czechdollshouses.blogspot.co.uk if you would like.
The wooden piece came first. It measures about 14 x 2 inches, so immediately sets the brain going:
“What can I possibly do with that?!”. As
usual, my first step was a coat of Snowflake Fresco Paint. I debated using the side within the frame,
but decided that would make any stamping I wanted to to doubly difficult!
I added some torn tissue tape along the bottom, with another wash of
Snowflake over the top of it.
By this time, my thinking was that this would form the ground under
a wide, low sky, so I grabbed some sunny blues.
I built from the darker colours on the top ridge, and working
downward getting progressively paler, as well as making fewer strokes down
towards the horizon.
Time for the grass - regulars at Words and Pictures will know I love
my grasses! A different trio of paints
for this...

It’s a bit subtler here - using Sepia and Coffee - but I still like
the effect. I started with Sepia on the
stamp, then added an edging of Coffee.
Clearly the Dolls weren’t going to fit on the weirdly shaped bit of
wood as they were. Things were about to
get ugly for the Dolls: time to get the scissors out...
The tissue tape had pretty much disappeared under all that grass, so
I decided the houses needed some more stamping to “stand on”. I used the script stamp from Dolls 2, and
you’ll see as the photos go on that it kept getting more layers - in Olive,
then Potting Shed, and then Plum!
It’s really hard to get a photo of the whole piece, it’s so long and
thin, but let me try and show you the whole street of houses in one go:
Since it used to be the walkway for a rocking cat, you might call it
Cat Walk, I suppose (sorry). It’s
certainly a “Strange Reality” - all these bizarre buildings lined up amongst
the giant grasses...
Well, they’re miniature houses, I suppose.
In any case, the words from Ink & the Dog’s Eclectic plate 2
seemed appropriate...
ID Eclectic 2
But things are about to get even stranger... It all felt just a bit too clean and neat, so
I decided it was time for a bit of doodling - and here’s where you might want
to call it a day. If you thought the
decapitations were bad enough, you might not want to see what I did next!
Easiest to go house by house, I think.
So the building housing Queen Victoria...
... is looking a little wilder.
And Dolly here (in her second appearance this week, after the
journal pages the day before yesterday)...
And you’ll have spotted the scary QuestionMark Birds now hovering
over the whole place.
So, that’s where my head took me this month... I’m under stress with moving house,
I hope you have fun playing, and I’m looking forward to seeing what
you make of this week’s creations! Thank
you so much for your time and your lovely feedback, and I’ll see you again in
Leandra Says: Hahaha very funny. Great that you went with your crazy side! I love both versions, but the quirky weirdo zone is definitely a perfect fit with those stamps!
Gillian Says: Bravo Alison ... love this "outside the box" project. This is a real statement piece with those gorgeous blue/brown tones and those quirky ID images. Love the depth in the background layers. Thank you for another brill week.
Hmmmm....!! Love it, Alison, crazy though you most certainly are... the blue paint looks fabulous, so does the grass.
Fabulous transformation of a piece of wood from a broken toy!!
Really love how you went wacky with the pens at the end!!!
Fantastic piece - really love it.
Sam xxx
Beautiful project, love the additional enhancements on the images!
This is a favourite piece....real quirky and appealing
Wonderful inspiring make
Annie x
Oh wow wow wow I have most of these dolls and never used them so I have to have a go at your projects this week lol. So loving this, really funky :-) Kezzy xxx
I completely LOVE this, it's right up my street (sorry) & I love the doodling too. Now I definitely have got to get some of these stamps - WHY haven't I got them before now??
Wonderful "story book" and totally funny with those great stamps of houses with their inhabitants :-)
Fantastic way of doing the sky Alison.
xo, Dorthe
This is amazing, Alison! I think this might be my favourite project of yours ever. I love the quirky dolls and their houses. I definitely like your slightly mad side and we should see more of it!
Lucy x
Wow Alison. What a masterpiece. The first thing that came to mind was great graffiti. Then I realized this was much more than that and I love it. Fabulous creation Alison. Hugs Rita xxxxx
This is great Alison wild and wacky!!!
I absolutely LOVE this piece - it is SO me and I'd hang it right in my living room :)
This reminds me of all sorts of funny things Alison, better left unspoken I think, but it certainly brought a big smile to my face and what an inventive way of using these stamps!
I totally love this its like a story, an adventure that opens up possiblities, fantastic. Thanks for sharing this will def have a go with the sky and grass technique.
I love the wackiness of this and little houses are some of my favourite things in any form! It's so lovely and playful and imaginative. I love the way you used something that would have been thrown away otherwise. I discovered your mother's museum once by chance on the Internet. I didn't ever make the connection with you, but Small World was just fascinating. Can't wait until your next semester to see what you have in store then! Julie Ann xx
What a wonderful twist to give to this whole piece, I love how this had turned out.
Amanda x
This is so fun! I LOVE it!
Amazing piece of artwork
Love Chrissie x
Oh, it's marvellous, and so out of box! Such creativity!
Fabulous Alison... your work & doodling is AmAzing...In my book it's a masterpiece...Hugs May x x x
An amazing and wonderful quirky transformation! Hugs, Anne x
Only you could transform a sliver of wood into art. Fabulous colors and fun stamps! Brilliant Alison!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
A wonderful collection of stamps that bring the most amazing level of interest to this piece of altered wood.
yum yum yum
Andrea x
I really like both versions, but am glad you let your wild child out to play for the second one!
I love your little houses in the ivy!
Alison, what a great project again, that's a marvelous week with you !!! I love both versions, you have a fabulous imagination, and all is always beautiful !!! Coco xx
This is BRILLIANT amazingly creative, you are THE BOMB*****, might be why you think your a little crazy, I think your a Genius, working with your Mother all these years has given your creative streak just soar to heights that are remarkable, I'm proud and thankful I could witness all of it, thanks for sharing it all...
Loved seeing and reading about your creative process on this! Marvelous bit of repurposing!
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