A note from Leandra:
I've been bugging Jo to do some bugs for a while now, and Spring/Summer seemed the perfect time to have some fluttery elements. There are so many fun 'bits and pieces' that suit journaling, card making or what about stamping up some fabric! Don't forget those gorgeous stencils! Always a delight to use, Jo thinks about how they work for gel printing and way more too, whether bold, or soft, subtle layers are required.
I've been bugging Jo to do some bugs for a while now, and Spring/Summer seemed the perfect time to have some fluttery elements. There are so many fun 'bits and pieces' that suit journaling, card making or what about stamping up some fabric! Don't forget those gorgeous stencils! Always a delight to use, Jo thinks about how they work for gel printing and way more too, whether bold, or soft, subtle layers are required.
Jo will be along to share with you LIVE her new products and ideas over in our Facebook Group, PaperArtsy People shortly after this post publishes. I hope you can drop by for the live, or try to catch the replay. We love to hear from the designer about each new release and understand more fully the ideas they have with each product!
For the next few months, these stamps are available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists. Please check the list at the foot of this post to find a retailer online or geographically near you, it makes sense to order within your country wherever possible.
Hi everyone, Jo here (www.jofirthyoung.blogspot.co.uk)
I'm really excited to share with you my new release for PaperArtsy. The 3 stamp sets are scattered with bugs (nice helpful bugs - the type who assist the garden, definitely not the ones who eat your favourite plants!) and 3 stencils of gorgeous patterns that I'm sure you will love to use in journals and art pieces.
I think the bugs, butterfly and bee (I call them 'Mother Nature's garden army') are going to be perfect placed with the flower stamps you may have in your collection.
But don't worry, this release is not all about the multi-limbed creatures in these sets - there are also flowers and foliage (of course!), lots of useful tags for your journal/planner pages and pretty background stamps. All the little bits and pieces will enable you to create little creative clusters to feature on your journal pages or greeting cards.
Lets take a look at the samples I've created for you.
Price: RRP €23.00 +VAT Size:5" x 6" (13 x16.5cm)
All stamps are individually trimmed onto cling foam, with a laminated storage/index sheet.
JOFY Collection Stamp Set 125 (JOFY125)
I really like the variety of designs on this stamp set - tags, bugs, bees, butterflies and a pretty background - its a versatile set.
The butterfly is a bold image - it has detail but I've left enough open space on the wings for you to add more detail, or to stamp onto patterned paper and paper piece patterns together.
Busy Busy Busy!
The bee on this set makes me smile - its just the right size to be a focus on a design or placed in among flowers on a journal spread.
Tag - You're It!
The tags on this set were inspired by those made for my mini book project {see/follow #52bitesizedbooks on Instagram} - I often created tags folded in half into mini books with patterned papers or doodled elements. I designed 3 small tags within this stamp set.
The bugs are sized to fit them, and so is the alphabet from JOFY124 (February 2023). I chose the letter 'M' to illustrate this as its the widest of the letters in the stamp set.
Repeating the little bugs on a background creates a lovely pattern design.
Be(e) Happy! - card
The bee works well as the main motif on a card, here used with honeycomb die cuts.
Sorry, I couldn't resist having at least one sample with a play on words/pun.
I changed the antennae on this bee by replacing the paper with wire...
From 2 directional 'bug-washi' a dragonfly, and that mesh stamps is just the most useful thing! I even snuck a spray of flowers in this set too! And did you spot the teeniest tags ever ?!
Entomology Sample Box.
The bugs can be used in a vintage or modern setting.
This vintage sample box was inspired by museum exhibits and tales of Victorian explorers.
Taped up Wide!
One of my favourite stamps of this release is this 'washi tape' panel. I'm always a little disappointed when decorative tape has only one orientation so I designed mine so it can be used vertically or horizontally. Use it as tape, or as detail on a card and layer up those lovely details!
This card uses the tape used horizontally.
You can cut out the bugs and tags and mount them on 3d foam to add depth.

This set has a lovely delicate flower stem and for this sample I cut out and attached individual flowers for added interest as embellishments.
JoFY Collection Stamp Set 127 (JoFY127)
More of a traditional JoFY set, with blooms, foliage, and words ..both those background stamps - oh my ! super useful!
Bouquet - card with flowers
The main flower here is based on Echinacea daisies - gorgeous flowers that come in a variety of bold colours, though on this first sample I chose to colour in white and brighter colours are used later on in this post. This sample also shows how the leafy stem can also be coloured to work as a flower.
Vase full of summer
It wouldn't be a JoFY release without a bouquet now would it!
This sample is a mash up of JOFY126 & JOFY127 - I wanted to make a project showing how nicely the stamps from different sets work together. How gorgeous do the Echinacea's look when coloured brightly! Gorgeous!!
Doodled split panel
This stencil is going to be fun to use! It's so good with a gel plate and Fresco paints, and also with Distress Oxides and additional paint pen doodling as shown below.
Bouquet Vase
On the sample below I used the stencil in the background behind the flowers ... can you see it?? Just!!! .... with Fresco Finish paints. That tone on tone adds interest but doesn't detract from the bouquet.
PaperArtsy Stencil 396 {Large} by Jo Firth-Young (PS396)
This geometric stencil was inspired by the stamp design on JOFY125.
The top sample was made with one layer of the stencil and 2 colours of ink. The sample underneath I have used the stencil as a template.
Stencils patterns don't have to be used as 'solids'. The blue/green sample below I used a coloured pen to create a line version of the designs by drawing around the inside of the stencils shapes. This opens up all kinds of options with your stencils when used as templates.
To the right there is also a little 'tag cluster' a ready to go embellishment of focal for any card. Warning - Making clusters ready for cards or tags is slightly addictive, but this absolutely was one of the things I had in mind when designing all these products of this release, that making clusters was going to be super enjoyable for any number of projects.
PaperArtsy Stencil 397 {Large} by Jo Firth-Young (PS397)
Beauty is everywhere
I designed this stencil with gel printing and backgrounds in mind and on the sample below you can see it used on a greeting card. This large stencil will work equally as well on larger journal page. It also has wide pattern spaces that are perfect for adding those extra doodles into.
I really enjoyed creating, and working with, these stamps - I hope you enjoy them as much. I look forward to seeing what you create.
Take care,
YouTube: Jo Firth-Young
Pinterest: @jofyjo
Facebook: JoFY Jamboree!
Twitter: @jofyjo
Instagram: @jofyjo
PaperArtsy Stockist List
Our stockists are your go-to source for all PaperArtsy products, and we suggest that you also use the PaperArtsy People Facebook group to source a retailer in your country. Many are members of our FB group and will happily share links to their online stores.
Bev's Cross Crafts, Spreyton, Tasmania https://www.bevscrosscrafts.com.au/
Crafters Cupboard, Berwick, Victoria www.crafterscupboard.com.au
Memories on the Murray, Murray Bridge, SA https://www.memoriesonthemurray.net/
Natalie May Scrapbooking, Dover Gardens, SA https://nataliemay.com.au/
Scrapbook Superstore & More, South Penrith, NSW https://www.scrapbooksuperstore.com.au/
The Scrapbooker's Confetti Box, Swansea, NSW https://thescrapbookersconfettibox.com/
The Scrapbook Store, North Perth,WA http://thescrapbookstore.com.au/
Cart N Scrap Art, Antwerp, www.cartnscrapart.be
Créatelier Caracolle, Liège, www.createliercaracolle.be
Paper Art Creations Inc, Leduc, Alberta, www.paperartcreations.com/
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrap Addicts, Edmonton, Alberta www.scrapaddicts.ca/
Scrap and Bean, Edmonton, Alberta scrapandbean.com/
Scrapbooking Fairies, Drayton Valley, Alberta www.scrapbookingfairies.com/
The Paper & ink Boutique, Calgary, Alberta www.paperandinkboutique.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
Hobbyboden Scrapworld Samso www.hobbyboden.dk
Eirl Bancon Cartoscrap, Midi Pyrenees, www.cartoscrap.com
Fée Du Scrap, Saint Sébastien-Sur-Loire, www.feeduscrap.fr/
Horizon Créatif, Ste Jalle www.horizon-creatif.fr
Instant Créatif, La Possession, La Réunion, www.icreatif.re
Katzelkraft, Ingwiller www.katzelkraft.fr/en/
Kerudoc Creation, St Yvi www.kerudoccreation.com
Le Grenier des filles, Pierre Benite
Page de scrap, Saint Pavace, www.pagedescrap.fr/
Scrap Déco Home, Goutrens, www.scrapdecohome.fr/
Toutencolle, Dun sur Auron www.toutencolle.fr
Heidin Korttipaja, Istunmaki, www.korttipaja.fi/fi
Piia Paper, Kittilä, www.piiapaper.com/fi
Stempelbar, Berlin, www.stempelbar.de
Stempeloase Munich, Munich www.stempeloase.de
Stempelfee Shop, Hilden www.stempelfee-shop.de
Stempellaedle, Stuttgart, www.stempellaedle.de/shop
Scraps N Pieces, Kallithea www.scrapsnpieces.gr
Immagine SAS di Rapaccini, Rome, www.immaginelab.com
Il Negozio Della Mamma Di Cle, Torino, www.ilnegoziodellamammadicle.com
Marte Savona, Savona, www.martesavona.it
Pezze E Colori, Lissone, www.pezzeecolori.it/
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
La Wadao, Odawara, Kanagawa, www.lawadao.com
Tiny Dots, Funabashi-shi, Chiba www.tinydots.shop-pro.jp
De Hobbystudio, Genemuiden, www.dehobbystudio.nl/
Doe@ding,Spijkenisse doeading.nl/
Hobbycompleet de Duif, Leeuwarden www.hobbycompleet.nl
Stampingcorner, Capelle Aan Den Ijssel www.stampingcorner.nl
Hobbygarasjen, Kopervik, www.Hobbygarasjen.no
Cien por Cien Manualidades, Barcelona, www.100x100manualidades.es
Ideas 10 Manualidades Y Scrapbook, Bilbao ideas10manualidades.com/
Marakiscrap, Tarragona, www.marakiscrap.com
Scrap & Papers Experiences, Barcelona, www.scrappapersexperiences.com
The Paradise Corner, Barcelona, www.theparadisecorner.com
Butik Elva, Staffanstorp, www.butikelva.se
Mandy's Cards, Taipei www.facebook.com/mandy.card.77
United Kingdom
Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, Warwickshire www.ameliascreativecrafts.co.uk
Art from the Heart, Harrogate, Yorkshire www.afth.co.uk
Crafts at The Malthouse, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, www.themalthouse.co.uk/
Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, www.loobicrafts.co.uk
Stampers Grove, Springbank, Lilliesleaf, Melrose,Scotland www.stampersgrove.co.uk
The Artistic Stamper Craft Store, Faversham, Kent www.theartisticstamper.com
The Forget me not Kraft Kabin, Rochford, Essex, www.TheForgetMeNotKraftKabin.co.uk
Artistic Artifacts, Alexandria, VA www.artisticartifacts.com/
Artistic Studio Creations, Fayetteville, Georgia www.facebook.com/ASCbyCrystal
Craftiness, Chatsworth, CA, www.craftinessonline.com/
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, Lake Worth, Florida https://everythingmixedmedia.com/
Frantic Stamper, Oregon www.franticstamper.com
Free Heart LLC, Denver, Colarado, www.freeheartllc.com/
Joggles, Coventry, Rhode Island, www.joggles.com
PaperCraft Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut, papercraftclubhouse.com/
Qingquing's Stamp Shop, Portland, Oregon
Runaway, Art & Craft Studio, NE Salem, Oregon www.runawayart.com/
Simon Says Stamp, Columbus, Ohio www. simonsaysstamp.com
Topflight Stamps, Irmo, South Carolina topflightstamps.com/
If you are interested in becoming a PaperArtsy stockist contact Dounia@paperartsy.com for more information
PaperArtsy Links
Facebook Group PaperArtsy People
Facebook Page PaperArtsy
Twitter twitter.com/paperartsy
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