Sunday 21 June 2015

2015 Topic 12 Stencils {Challenge}

Topic 12: Stencils

Hi Everyone, Leandra here

I have spent the last 3 days with Millie touring Bath, Bristol and Warwick university chemistry departments, and in the same way that we as crafters speak our own lingo, so do chemists!  I'm sure they wouldn't understand a lot of what I say either! To film tonight's video was a huge relief, getting back to normality and things I DO understand! So the Stencils topic is broad and varied, and one we already on the blog have published lots of information for, but below a lot of that is summarised for you, but before we get into the nitty gritty, here is Darcy with the winner for our last topic, Hidden Objects.

Darcy here...what a great week of projects again. This was a tricky topic, how do you show things that are hidden? but you all came up trumps and produced some fab examples of hidden messages, fold,pockets and niches. It was such a treat to look through them all, especially as you had used summery colours, a much needed break in this dark dreary weather we have been having. 
Sooooo, the winning name from Topic 11: Hidden Objects..goes to...Sarah B From Sazzle's Desk's Leandra back with you tonight to explore Stencils. First up is the video. I explore the difference between Mask, Stencils and Templates, how the thickness might vary, and how you can use them all in so many ways. I show one of our stamp/ stencil combinations from Lin Brown and how she designed them to be used with lots of layers of paint.

Whatever you choose to do, we can't wait to see it! The challenge on this occasion is open for 3 weeks for you to join in! We have a new product week coming up from July 5th, so this challenge is open until July 12th.

Stencils are fun. Adding layers to your backgrounds adds depth and interest. Putting pastes or gel products through stencils adds texture and gives a touchy-feely addition that again adds depth and interest. Here is a picture from a sample I made using Grunge Paste, Fresco Paints, a stencil and Detail stamps. 

There is a video showing this technique too here...

And here is another one using Grunge Paste and Treasure Gold. The end result looks like metal, I love doing this demo, and the results are always amazing, whatever treasure Gold you choose to use.

Dye sprays are less easy to apply through stencils than paint, If you apply too much product, the watery mixture can easily seeps under the stencils, and give a less defined result, but that can be interesting and with practise and the right spray mist bottle, you can control this. I love the many ways Dina Wakley uses masks so cleverly. She starts with making a background onto water colour paper, then she might create a silhouette from a mask, sprays black to darken the areas surrounding the mask, and once removed this perfectly highlights the background beneath the mask, then she will journal on the page. Such a simple idea but so effective. The picture below was found here, which is an article about composition. 

Stencils can also be used to add texture in an embossing method. For example, have you tried making your paper or card damp with water or a dye spray, and running the stencil and damp paper through a big shot or similar machine? Take your paper out, allow it to dry, and you get a fantastic impression, this works really well with fine detail stencils (like doily-style) that don't have defined edges. Here is a video by Shari from Hero Arts who dry embosses card, but if you spritz the card to soften it before running through the big shot, you will get a deeper embossed result.

Removal of colour through a stencils can also be another way we sometimes forget as a great way to use stencils. With water-reactive inks, felts or crayons on a background, then position the stencil and use a baby-wipe to remove colour, this can be an amazing way to remove colour to create a negative space. This is also possible with paint too. More here.
Let's not forget stencil-bumping. This technique I learned from Lynne Perella several years ago to create a shadow. It's 2 layers of paint, light over dark, so this works perfectly with chalk paint as it is opaque and dries really fast. I prefer a dark colour underneath, but you might think otherwise, here's the video to see if you have not tried this before.

These are just a few of many things you can do with stencils, but I am sure you can come up with other ideas of your own, or that haven't been mentioned in this post. It's a great topic, and I'm sure you will find lots to explore!

Enjoy the next few weeks...


Topic 12:Stencils

You are welcome to share your ideas and link up your creativity to this page.

All links go in the draw to win a voucher to spend on products of your choice from the PaperArtsy online store. The Stencils link will close 17:00 (London Time) Sunday, July 12th , winner will be announced 2 hours later at 19:00.

1. The challenge is a chance for you to show how you have been inspired by a particular technique of the fortnight. Your entry should contain:
- a mention of which post inspired you and why, and 
- a link in your blog post to that original post on the PA blog.

The whole concept of this challenge is 'play along with us'. You are encouraged to put your own twist on ideas you see on our blog. We love to see how you are inspired!

2. The link you put on our linky page must lead directly to the specific post on your blog where you have explored the technique/ idea mentioned in point 1 above. Don't link to the home page of your blog, or we will be unable to find the post to leave you comments.

3. Spam links will be deleted.

4. We prefer your challenge post is created exclusive to our challenge, but if our topic fits perfectly with another challenge, then of course your post may link to both if you feel it is appropriate.

5. You are most welcome to use stamps/ products/ substrates you have to hand from a variety of companies, we do not expect you to exclusively use PA products - it's lovely when you do though!

6. You can enter as many times as you like in the fortnight. We don't want to restrict your creativity or participation! Link closes at 17:00 Sunday July 12th  (London Time)

7. The winner of the random draw will receive a £50 credit to be redeemed on the PaperArtsy Website, the credit includes VAT and postage. We request that one of your purchases is an A5 rubber stamp. You can add any other items to your basket, but the final total should not exceed £50

8. Each Sunday fortnight the winner will be announced at 19:00, also, in the same post, the link for the next fortnight will be posted. It's your responsibility to claim your prize coupon from Darcy: email her

Good Luck! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Julie Lee said...

Great topic this time with some terrific videos! :) xxx

Helen said...

Sorry I didn't get time to enter last time, but this one is right up my street.. just a few stencils to choose from... and well done Sarah.

suzieq23 said...

Leandra, just want to thank you for the wonderful videos on stenciling. I am a stencil addict and love learning new ways to use them. Your videos were great in that you explain everything so clearly and easily. Thanks again, an avid follower from the USA.

Craftyfield said...

Great theme, stencils are so versatile!

Nina said...

Hi. Just saw this today and definitely inspired to play with my stencils. Quick question: do you accept international entries? If not, it's okay. Would just love to try out the challenge. :)


STARA said...

These videos are great, I love, I who am an addict stencils for home decor, will meet this challenge. Thank you

Cocofolies said...

Great videos thank you Leandra to have gathered them and for the new one!! And Stencils are a very interesting theme of challenge of course... :) Coco xx

Etsuko said...

Wonderful topic!! I don't use well but I love stencils. xxx

Etsuko said...

And Leandra's great tutorial vide, Thank you!! xx

Karen P said...

Thanks for another fabulous video ladies and wonderful inspirations from all of you through the month. I am really starting to enjoy playing with paint and stencils and it's all thanks to you! Hope you have a fab week Karen