Sunday 23 October 2022

2022 Topic 14 : Colour Study: Triads {by Etsuko Noguchi} with Lynne Perrella stamps

Hi everyone, it's Etsuko (My favorite things) with you today, and I'm here to share with you winter decoration and cards using a selection of stamps my favorite designed by Lynne Perrella.

My current topic is Colour Wheel - Triads and I chose PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic - Lemon Meringue (FF142), Summer Sky (FF150) and Prawn (FF98) as the base colours. My chosen colours are separated 2 segments apart as No. 1, 4, 7 as shown on the colour wheel below. They are cool colour combination so I made these three items because I thought they would be perfect for decorations and cards this winter.

I used Lemon MeringueSummer Sky and Prawn as base colours. I combined opaque and semi-opaque colours to create a thick and beautiful colour and I chosen the coolest triads 3 colours possible. I made it while looking at the tone difference between the colour wheel segments, so I didn't have the luxury of making extra my three colours. I made it again while looking at the sample of the wheel later.

First I made triads 3 colour sheet used brayer and added PaperArtsy Fresco Chalk Acrylic - Heavy Cream to the blue green and light yellow sheets to tone down the colour and it some variety, on the reddish purple sheet placed a little Prawn and the white areas are the gaps between the paint.


When I thought about how to connect these three colours to my work, I first stamped the same stamp Lynne Perrella set 061 ( LPC061) on each piece of paper, cut it out and thought it would be nice to make a mosaic, so I used it as the background.

I did a rough experiment with what would happen if I put the Lynne Perrella set ( LPC059 ) lady's profile in the new PaperArtsy Printed tissue Frame circular frame against the mosaic background.

I decided to making the background with that mosaic idea and paste the cut papers onto the Smoothy (Heavyweight) A4 white card with a glue stick so that it would be a 6 inch square as much as possible. 

I wanted to try with the 3 colour a bit more so I used it for decorative trimming on these two cards. For the first card, I used the Lynne Perrella set 061 ( LPC061 ) lady to make it the 7th segment of the colour wheel, a card centered on reddish purple. I used infusion blue and PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic - Gold for the lady as a focal point.

I used gold embossing powder for the Scrapcosy set 30 and 33 ( ESC30ESC33 ) frame and script stamps for the center frame and background.

Made the second card trim using LPC059 stamp.

 I used LPC059 stamp for the lady and PaperArtsy tissue paper for her frame.

This is the completed image of the panel. The background of the circular frame was collaged of the LPC061 skirt image. At first, I thought that a monotone black stamp would be enough for the image of the lady, but I added colour and the crown of Lynne Perrella set 07 ( LPC007 ).

The panel side edging was trimmed with Scrapcosy set 33 (ESC33 ) stamp image embossed by gold embossing powder on the black cardstock. For the center circle of the focal point, four gray boads of the same shape were stacked underneath to create a height, and 8 mm high paper painted with gold was wrapped around the edges so that it could not be seen from the sides.

The circle frame and the lady popped up with foam tape.

Finished image the first card, I used LPC061 lady to make it the 7th segment of the colour wheel, the card centered on reddish purple, Used blue Infusion and Gold for the focal point lady.

The finished image of the second card.

As you can see the close up of the top part.

And bottom part--
Ranger Archival ink- Sky Blue stamped with the LPC059 book cover pattern on the green-blue background. Merry Christmas used Scrapcosy set 29 (ESC29).

The colour wheel- Triads and two previous topic colour wheel were very helpful to me, until now I used complementary colours or my own senses to find out the colours. I realized how it had narrowed my colours choices. I hope this will be a leap forward in my future.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Etsuko xxx

Blog: My favorite things

Instagram: Pixienest
Pinterest: Etsuko N
Facebook: Etsuko Noguchi

1 comment:

Helen said...

I love these - the colours you chose work really well.