A note from Leandra:
The stunning imagery continues with today's release from Jo Firth-Young. She has created a range of truly super designs for you within this release including stencils, minis and large stamp sets. If you are a JoFY fan, then buckle up! You're going to be very happy I think!
I love the look of the carved style stamps that have layering potential, but ohhhhh those minis
perfectly formed little rays of sunshine! Fabulous!
These stamps are available EXCLUSIVELY from our approved stockists. Please check the list at the foot of this post to find a retailer online or geographically near you. It really does make sense to order within your country where possible. Our retailers also endeavour to join the designer's live to share their direct shopping links - this makes it easy for you to find a store with product in stock immediately.
Hi everyone, Jo here (www.jofy.co.uk) - welcome to my new stamp and stencil release - my first for 2024! There are 4 mini stamps, 2 A5 stamp sets and 2 stencils - I hope you like them as much as I do!
This stamp release includes a little detour from my usual style of stamps in the form of solid (rather than drawn line) images - these are a really nice addition to my collection and will work well with previous (and future) designs.
The minis include motifs and a couple of lovely repeating background designs - always useful to have for projects of any size.
Let's take a closer look!
Red Rubber Stamps (A5 set)
Price: RRP €23.00 +VAT
Size:5" x 6" (13 x16.5cm)
All stamps are individually trimmed onto cling foam, with a laminated storage/index sheet.
Jo Firth-Young - A5 stamp set 132 {JoFY132}
JOFY132 features the solid stamps I just mentioned above. They originate from several hand carved stamps I made during 2023 and they also inspired me to create the accompanying overlay stamps. The stamps work really nicely as borders and background stamps. The overlays are not designed to match up perfectly, they offer a slightly offset print. As you can see below, lots of options are possible.
Of course the designs will work equally well when cut out and assembled as a cluster, as shown in the sample below.

The big bold flowers on JOFY133 have been adapted from doodles in one of my junk journals - so they are a bit wonky and irregular. Previously when I've designed flowers with lines on the petals I have filled the lines in with detail but I have intentionally left these flowers plain. This is so YOU can fill them in with any pattern and colours you would like.
I would normally create a black and white strip on a petal but leaving the stripes blank means that you can create your own design inside them - chevrons, dots, checks, spots, coloured or plain - the choice is yours! (There is an example of this in the Mini stamps section further down this blog post.)
The circles dotted around the plate are the flowers' centres - stamp them to use as a 3d mounted centre or stamp them and use as the starting point for doodles (thats what I'm doing!), or create a circles background. All the options are there to enjoy.
In the sample below I have mixed the bold flowers of JOFY133 with the mini flowers of JM74 (coming up below) - they are a perfect combination.
The bold sentiment is a great addition for a card or journal page. On this panel I've assembled the stamps with book text, tissue paper on a background, stencilled with Fern Mattint.
On the card below layered flowers stamped in black on white over a background of coloured spots from JM73 (new!). Lovely flowers - and they're easy to cut out and separate to assemble as you wish.
Mini stamps - these are really useful sized stamps to have in your collection, and nice for the budget too!! I've designed several of these images to stamp and repeat - perfect for journal page backgrounds and greeting card designs.
JM73 {JoFY Mini 73}
This is a fun repeating background design - versatile too - it can be used vertically or horizontally, coloured in or used with line print only.

I found this stamp so useful when making the samples for this release - I had to intentionally STOP using it - I wanted to use it with EVERYTHING! lol It looks great used with or without its grid background. I'm sure you are going to love it too!
As I mentioned earlier these flowers are similar to the bold ones on JOFY133. I wanted to give you the two sizes as I knew how well they would work together. The flowers on the big set 'bend' in the opposite direction to the mini so you'll be able to make really nice garlands/wreaths etc... or bouquets with big and small flowers
The sample below shows the flowers on their grid background. The addition of subtle shading around the flowers will create a 3D effect.
The flowers in the photo below show why I left the stripes on the petals plain - I've been able to add different patters to each flower - and you can do the same This also makes them more versatile for stamping on to pattered papers.

Teeny tiny flowers!! Possibly the smallest I've ever designed but that doesn't mean they can't be used in a big way.
..... or with a pretty summer scheme as shown in the photo below. This card also shows how the design is repeatable across a page. That pattern repeat is very satisfying!
I designed a stencil a couple of years ago which I love and I always thought it would work really well as a smaller background stamp.... I didn't want it to be exactly the same - it needed to be smaller and slightly distressed. And here it is!
PaperArtsy Stencils {Large}
Price: RRP €6.58 +VATLarge Size: 6.25" x 9.5" (16 x 24cm)
Robust mylar designed to offer longevity, deep texture and easy clean up
I'm a fan of grid journaling but not of having to measure & draw a grid each time I want to create a page... so I made myself grid stencils for a quick fix.
I've created this stencil with 2 different size grids that can be traced and extended to fit most journal pages.
To create the grid below I laid the journaling grid on the page and add colour and stamping, and overlaid a second stencil to add the pattern (spots).
A really useful stencil for grid journaling but also for creating blocks/grids on backgrounds for cards.
Thanks for popping by to see my samples for this blog release - I've had so much fun creating these designs I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Take care
You can see more and visit me at...
YouTube: Jo Firth-Young
Pinterest: @jofyjo
Facebook: JoFY Jamboree!
Twitter: @jofyjo
Instagram: @jofyjo
Classes coming up ....
13.04.24 Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, UK (www.loobicrafts.co.uk)
20.04.24 Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, UK (www.ameliascreativecrafts.co.uk)
27.04.24 The Artistic Stamper, Faversham, UK (www.theartisticstamper.com)
3-10.11.24 Crafting Cruise with Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, USA (email: info@cruiseandcrop.com)
I'll also be releasing a couple of online classes for March '24 so keep an eye out for those in my Facebook Jamboree group.
PaperArtsy Stockist List
Our stockists are your go-to source for all PaperArtsy products, and we suggest that you also use the PaperArtsy People Facebook group to source a retailer in your country. Many are members of our FB group and will happily share links to their online stores.
Bev's Cross Crafts, Spreyton, Tasmania https://www.bevscrosscrafts.com.au/
Crafters Cupboard, Berwick, Victoria www.crafterscupboard.com.au
Memories on the Murray, Murray Bridge, SA https://www.memoriesonthemurray.net/
Natalie May Scrapbooking, Dover Gardens, SA https://nataliemay.com.au/
Scrapbook Superstore & More, South Penrith, NSW https://www.scrapbooksuperstore.com.au/
The Scrapbooker's Confetti Box, Swansea, NSW https://thescrapbookersconfettibox.com/
The Scrapbook Store, North Perth,WA http://thescrapbookstore.com.au/
Cart N Scrap Art, Antwerp, www.cartnscrapart.be
Créatelier Caracolle, Liège, www.createliercaracolle.be
Clipper Street Scrapbook Company, Langley, B.C https://clipperstreet.com/
Paper Art Creations Inc, Leduc, Alberta, www.paperartcreations.com/
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrapbook Centrale, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec www.scrapbookcentrale.ca
Scrap Addicts, Edmonton, Alberta www.scrapaddicts.ca/
Scrap and Bean, Edmonton, Alberta scrapandbean.com/
Scrapbooking Fairies, Drayton Valley, Alberta www.scrapbookingfairies.com/
The Paper & ink Boutique, Calgary, Alberta www.paperandinkboutique.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
The Scrap Yard, Calgary, Alberta, www.thescrapyardcalgary.com/
Hobbyboden Scrapworld Samso www.hobbyboden.dk
Eirl Bancon Cartoscrap, Midi Pyrenees, www.cartoscrap.com
Fée Du Scrap, Saint Sébastien-Sur-Loire, www.feeduscrap.fr/
Horizon Créatif, Ste Jalle www.horizon-creatif.fr
Instant Créatif, La Possession, La Réunion, www.icreatif.re
Katzelkraft, Ingwiller www.katzelkraft.fr/en/
Kerudoc Creation, St Yvi www.kerudoccreation.com
Le Grenier des filles, Pierre Benite
Page de scrap, Saint Pavace, www.pagedescrap.fr/
Scrap Déco Home, Goutrens, www.scrapdecohome.fr/
Toutencolle, Dun sur Auron www.toutencolle.fr
Heidin Korttipaja, Istunmaki, www.korttipaja.fi/fi
Piia Paper, Kittilä, www.piiapaper.com/fi
Stempelbar, Berlin, www.stempelbar.de
Stempeloase Munich, Munich www.stempeloase.de
Stempelfee Shop, Hilden www.stempelfee-shop.de
Stempellaedle, Stuttgart, www.stempellaedle.de/shop
Scraps N Pieces, Kallithea www.scrapsnpieces.gr
Immagine SAS di Rapaccini, Rome, www.immaginelab.com
Il Negozio Della Mamma Di Cle, Torino, www.ilnegoziodellamammadicle.com
Marte Savona, Savona, www.martesavona.it
Pezze E Colori, Lissone, www.pezzeecolori.it/
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
Piccole Passioni, Siena, www.piccolepassioni.it
La Wadao, Odawara, Kanagawa, www.lawadao.com
Tiny Dots, Funabashi-shi, Chiba www.tinydots.shop-pro.jp
De Hobbystudio, Genemuiden, www.dehobbystudio.nl/
Doe@ding,Spijkenisse doeading.nl/
Hobbycompleet de Duif, Leeuwarden www.hobbycompleet.nl
Stampingcorner, Capelle Aan Den Ijssel www.stampingcorner.nl
Hobbygarasjen, Kopervik, www.Hobbygarasjen.no
Cien por Cien Manualidades, Barcelona, www.100x100manualidades.es
Ideas 10 Manualidades Y Scrapbook, Bilbao ideas10manualidades.com/
Marakiscrap, Tarragona, www.marakiscrap.com
Scrap & Papers Experiences, Barcelona, www.scrappapersexperiences.com
The Paradise Corner, Barcelona, www.theparadisecorner.com
Butik Elva, Staffanstorp, www.butikelva.se
Mandy's Cards, Taipei www.facebook.com/mandy.card.77
United Kingdom
Amelia's Creative Crafts, Studley, Warwickshire www.ameliascreativecrafts.co.uk
Art from the Heart, Harrogate, Yorkshire www.afth.co.uk
Crafts at The Malthouse, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, www.themalthouse.co.uk/
Loobi Crafts, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, www.loobicrafts.co.uk
Stampers Grove, Springbank, Lilliesleaf, Melrose,Scotland www.stampersgrove.co.uk
The Artistic Stamper Craft Store, Faversham, Kent www.theartisticstamper.com
The Forget me not Kraft Kabin, Rochford, Essex, www.TheForgetMeNotKraftKabin.co.uk
Artistic Artifacts, Alexandria, VA www.artisticartifacts.com/
Artistic Studio Creations, Fayetteville, Georgia www.facebook.com/ASCbyCrystal
Craftiness, Chatsworth, CA, www.craftinessonline.com/
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, Lake Worth, Florida https://everythingmixedmedia.com/
Frantic Stamper, Oregon www.franticstamper.com
Free Heart LLC, Denver, Colarado, www.freeheartllc.com/
Joggles, Coventry, Rhode Island, www.joggles.com
PaperCraft Clubhouse, Westbrook, Connecticut, papercraftclubhouse.com/
Qingquing's Stamp Shop, Portland, Oregon
Roadtique Boutique, Rochester, New York Facebook Page
Runaway, Art & Craft Studio, NE Salem, Oregon www.runawayart.com/
Scrapbook & Memories, Harrisonville, MO https://www.scrapbooknmemories.net/
Simon Says Stamp, Columbus, Ohio www. simonsaysstamp.com
Topflight Stamps, Irmo, South Carolina topflightstamps.com/
If you are interested in becoming a PaperArtsy stockist contact Dounia@paperartsy.com for more information
PaperArtsy Links
Facebook Group PaperArtsy People
Facebook Page PaperArtsy
Twitter twitter.com/paperartsy
Instagram instagram.com/paperartsy
Pinterest uk.pinterest.com/paperartsyhq
YouTube youtube.com/user/PaperArtsy
Gorgeous release Jo.... Fabulous samples... I had to work late so missed the live but can't wait to catch up
Such beautiful samples showcasing your new stamps, Jo - I couldn't in the end stay for much of the Live, but I will be back to see you work your magic soon (and comment!!).
Alison x
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