Our Big Fat PaperArtsy Competition...
Yep we are having a prize give away. We want you to send us your photos (jpegs to newsletters@paperartsy.co.uk) of the most original thing you've done with a PaperArtsy stamp, no holds barred. The comp is open to anyone worldwide and the prize is a full set of 42 PaperArtsy Minis. Value £197 GBP (approx $400 USD). We'll post a selection of the entries each week here on the blog for you to see and we'll announce the winner on May 21. So get on your bizarro thinking cap, get a caffeine buzz on and show us what you can do.
Speaking of coffee, to set the tone, and maybe get your brain moving, check this one. Greg Costello from The Workhouse Coffee Company in Reading sent me this photo. Apparently the staff at his gourmet coffee shop spend the quieter afternoon hours stamping coffee cups with PaperArtsy stamps ready for the next days business. The customers love it and we do too.
Right then, get going and show us your ideas.
When is the dead line plz ?
Hello here is my page for your challenge
here is my page for this challenge. thank you
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