Friday 5 May 2017

2017 #7 Framed Memories {by Miriam Grazier}

2017 Topic 7: Found Objects

Sometimes we just need a nudge to recycle, but Miriam take this to the next level by using a packet of pills as the perfect frame for some vintage ancestors!

Hi everyone Miriam from Miriam's Creative Dreams here.

Lovely to be here on the PA blog tonight . I've chosen to share with you a photo frame created using 'found' objects.  

I've used some of the lovely vintage images from Ink and Dog stamps - I come back to these stamps over and over as they are so versatile.  Before I started my project I gathered some of the 'objects' that I keep thinking that I will one day have a use for them.  This included an old painkiller packet, old train tickets and old theatre tickets.

This is the front of my finished project.  I wasn't really sure how this would turn out in the end but I kept creating until I was happy with the finished project.  I really enjoyed adding layer after layer with paints and stamps.

Before adding washes of paints I added gesso to the inside and outside of the cover.  In hindsight I didn't need to do this as Fresco finish paints have great coverage and once the gesso had dried I added a layer of Chalk Fresco Finish paint.  Once this had dried I added watery layers of Caramel and Baltic Blue.  By adding water to the paint I was able to create a mixed wash of the colours which gave an old and vintage effect.

I added stamping using Man of Numbers plate 6 and Gentleman plate 4 and added classic Treasure gold around the edges and in patches over the entire project.

Images from Man of Numbers plate 6 and School Days plate 1 were stamped onto train tickets and then coloured using Blush, Caramel, Sage, French Roast and London Bus Fresco Finish paints.

Images from Buttons plate 2 and Buttons plate 4 were stamped and then washed with Baltic Blue and Caramel for the front of the frame.

I used scraps of material and lace to finish the project off.

I really like how you can't see that this started it's life as a packet for painkillers!  The Treasure Gold gives it a lovely vintage feel and the stamps are perfect for the vintage piece that I wanted to create.

I hope that you like my project - I'm sure I'm not the only person who collects things like this thinking that they might have a purpose in a later project!  I hope that you are encouraged to join in with this topic - just looking around the house and garden there are so many 'found' objects that you can create with.  Can you imagine finding a flat stone in the garden or on a walk that can be conditioned, stamped and painted.  The possibilities are endless.  

Thanks for joining me tonight.  I shall look forward to seeing what you create as part of the challenge - don't forget there is a gift voucher up for grabs!

Twitter: Miriam Grazier
Pinterest: Miriam Grazier

Oh that treasure gold really makes the frame look like the real-deal! Haha this is brilliant! I love that such an ordinary object has been turned into something really special! noone would guess the plastic origin of this item! ~Leandra

We always hope that you  learn something interesting from our blog. Our bloggers deeply appreciate your comments so much, so please take time to let them know you've been inspired! Why not join our challenge by blogging your interpretation of the current topic and link it here?

The current topic link (Found Objects) will close 17:00 (London Time) Sunday, May 7th 2017, and the winner will be announced 2 hours later at 19:00.

All links go in the draw to win a £50 voucher to spend on products of your choice from the PaperArtsy online store.


Julie Lee said...

You really have created a little treasure from 'trash', Miriam! I love it! What a great project for the 'found objects' theme! xx

Helen said...

What a great use of your found objects

Corrie Herriman said...

Fabulous ! x

Mac Mable said...

So clever and so creative x

Caz said...

What a great little project from things that would have ended up in the bin. Brilliant recycling ideas

Artmadnana said...

Oh Miriam. This really is exquisite. I love it. You have used some wonderful stamped images to make this at truly memorable piece. So creative.

Craftychris said...

Wonderful project using your 'found' objects! xxx

Kirsten said...

This is really lovely & so creative too.

Etsuko said...

What a lovely project Miriam. Very creative and fab stamp images. xx

Lucy said...

Oh that is really cool. I like this idea. The found objects challenge has been challenging, but people have risen to the challenge.

Claire said...

Beautiful project! It looks nothing like the original found object - lovely blog post :-)

Hazel Agnew said...

This is totally fabulous Miriam...right up my street! Love everything about it. Need the buttons stamps now as well! Xx😜

craftimamma said...

What a novel and beautiful project Miriam. Love how you pulled everything together to make this lovely little frame.

Lesley Xx

craftytrog said...


Lucy Edmondson said...

This is absolutely stunning, miriam, i love everything about it. Hope you are keeping well,

Lucy x