
Sunday 21 June 2020

2020 #11 Topic Introduction: Calming Colours

 2020 Topic 11: Calming Colours

Hi everyone, Keren here! 
There is a psychology behind colour and how it affects us. Pablo Picasso was quoted as saying  'Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.'

Most people would say that the 'cooler' colours on the spectrum (the blue-toned blues, purples and greens) are more calming and restful in the effect they have upon us. Many would also plump for pastels being the ultimate in calming hues. However, there are strong pigmented colours that can give a wonderful tranquil effect in our creativity and we're going to explore some of the diverse colours to soften our moods. Many moons ago, some of the ancient cultures used chromotherapy; the power of colours to heal. Whilst it's probably a therapy most of us won't have heard of, we can attest to the effect of colour in our homes upon our moods. We'll link each image with a suggested palette of current PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic paints to give you some inspiration for this gentle topic.

Some of these schemes are personal choices; we all have colours that feel more restful to us than others, but hopefully there's a colour in two here that have you beginning to exhale more slowly!

Jennie Atkinson is a sure-fire winner when it comes to serene and sophisticated schemes. This is a rather lovely piece using Scrapcosy stamps and stencils.


Alison Bomber uses blues and lavenders with some of her soothing sentiments and merges them with lovely Kay Carley images.


Lastly, from our trio of PaperArtsy inspiration is a piece by Lynne Moncrieff. Is it using natural elements that calms, or the colours themselves ? She's used Infusions to blend into a soft background to set the piece off.


This piece has colours on the 'colder' end of the spectrum- lots of greys, blueish purples, blue greens and dark greens. The brighter pink is a great contrast but it still maintains a pacifying mood.


This art piece transitions through calming colours leading your eye through the piece at the same time.

Ice-cream colours are very calming, or is it that they just make us think of pleasure?! This serene bedroom/office has a lovely palette, that includes white. Don't forget white to use as a restful space for your eyes too.

 These vintage darning spools are a wonderful collection of composed colours. Delicate colours with vintage styled spools.


These sweetly sewn children's gifts show how warm neutrals can be used in peaceful schemes. This is likely calming due to the prevalence of white.

These sublime symmetrical pieces are in fact tiles on the side of a yardhouse in London. It must be a beautiful building to wander past, and contains some wonderful colours.


Such a beautiful tag below, full of texture of soothing colours. Delicate blues, soft greys and some hints of creams and brown.

We've mentioned about cool colours- but darker colours, even with a little warmth, can be surprisingly calming. Calming or cosy? Relaxing or repose inducing? You decide.

Maybe calming colours are the ones linked to natural colours. Being surrounded by nature has the capacity to induce calm in many. This next image has a soothing green with grey undertones and some lovely wood inspired colours.

There are similar colours in this next room, but adding in soft pinks, gold and eucalyptus add another dimension.

Some art is just relaxing and calming to lay your eyes upon. Perhaps it's the waves lapping at the shore, or maybe it's just the collection of sea inspired colours.

This next image contains a lovely colour collection; full of colours we can pluck from the current PaperArtsy collection. Newer Fresco Colours like Iceberg, Wolf Eye, Blue Smoke, Blue Jeans and other colours like Tinned Peas. Check out this blog post to see all the new colours and in their new colour families.

The soft, tactile nature of fabric provides calm and this wonderfully painted and stitched piece has some of the colder blues, but works with the soft sandy yellows and hints of peachy oranges and purples.

Hoping that you're sufficiently relaxed to want to make some calming art of your own. 

IF you are wondering what the entire Fresco range looks like these days, all 174 colours, then take a look at this blog post where you can see the colour swatches of all the colour families.

If you want to create along with us, please share on our social feeds so we can see what you get up to. The best places are Instagram @paperartsy or post in PaperArtsy People Group on Facebook. Make sure you tag us in your contributions, we love to see what you get up to in your creative world!


  1. Think this is a theme we could all do with! great inspiration.

  2. Great topic. I'm really looking forward to this!

  3. I'm positively relaxed already. Nice theme.

  4. Love this = hope you continue to do this! It's great color theory for beginners!

  5. Beautiful samples colours scheme and so gorgeous Fresco line. x

  6. Gorgeous inspiration Keren.. I am doing a post on this theme.. I am stuck a little... this gave me new inspiration.. to go for colours I myself feel as calming and not what other say about it..

  7. A fabulous post! and thank you for the lovely comments x

  8. A lovely presentation Keren. Xx
