
Thursday 11 February 2021

2021 Topic 2 A Pocketful of Llama Drama with ZA {by Helen Chilton}

2021 Topic 2: A Pocketful of Llama Drama with ZA  {by Helen Chilton}

With a 'full on' full colour party atmosphere, Helen has created fun and ingenious book folded pockets. With alpacas and llamas appearing out of the pages of the book, this project is guaranteed to leave you with a grin.
~ Keren.

Hi everyone, it's Helen with you today, and I'd like to share with you several pockets full of Llama (and Alpaca) Drama! I thought long and hard about this topic and about how to create my pockets. I've always loved books - my house is full of them! I love using book pages and text in artwork. This time I've done a very basic folding technique to create lots of pockets for all my stamped images. Although it looks as though it takes a long time, it really doesn't once you get going.

I've used a hardback book for this as it gives a bit of weight to the base. Just fold each page in half. 

There were about 150 pages in this book and you need at least that number to get a good, dense semi circle and to create tight enough pockets.

At this point I did try stamping onto the fold of the pages using the little circle stamp and paint, but it didn't work as I couldn't apply enough pressure without the pages buckling. So, instead I gave the edges a coat of white paint...

and then added colour.

I quite liked that effect.

To secure the pockets, I stapled pages together - these won't be visible from the outside.

I used the same colours on my stamped images. I stamped loads because I wasn't sure what I was going to use.

I also decided to go the whole hog and made the blankets on the animals into pockets and added flowers and leaves.

For the base boards I needed to cover up the paint I'd splashed, so I stamped in white paint on black. There are several stamps you could use to make patterns - these circles just fit the width of the book. I like the contrast of the black, too.

Then just slot in your images. I added some words and extra flowers/hands stuck onto painted coffee stirrers.

Decorate with more images and some computer text.

I've loved working with these stamps as they've got such character. Just look at the faces on those llamas and the grin on the alpaca! You can move them around as the mood takes you. Just remember - they need to sit at the top and slightly behind the top of the semi circle - any further forward and they won't be fully visible.
This was a surprisingly easy way to make pockets and also created a lot of surface area to work on. This is a very basic folding technique yet it serves its purpose. If you're interested in more advanced projects, have a look on Pinterest - there are some amazing book sculptures out there.




  1. what a bright, fun project! Just what we need in these freezing cold days

  2. I love recycling a book and displaying the art this way. Great idea. I will try with a magazine. Love the animals.

  3. This is such a fantastic idea!! Live those llamas jumping out of the pages!!
