
Friday 27 September 2013

Happy Stampers craft show, Port Sunlight

Hello my lovely stamping this post was supposed to wing it's way to you on Wednesday night....but best plans and late nights...and mild panic meant that....well...I guess I am not superwoman after all....must send a memo to mr PA and the kids....although the piles of ironing, clumps of dust, and lack of food in the house probably means they knew that already.

I was emailing someone this week saying 'I wish I had one of those Tabatha noses' know Missy Bewitched....OH out of Darren's genie you even remember that programme?? ...blimey I think it may have even been in black and white back in the day....well I reckon I have spent my whole life wishing for a Tabatha nose!!! ESP for the ironing bit....

I guess you can tell I am on the very extreme edge of insanity ... LOL

Not gonna lie, the last 2 weeks have been BONKERS! Not only was it the fabulous Ally Pally show last weekend ( and utterly fab-u-lous to see so many of our blog and twitty-er followers there) ...but I know it seems a zillion years ago...but we did just turn a whole TEN years old...and all the product releases throughout August has meant the numerous shops we supply have been chomping at the bit to get those items in stock ready for ...shhhh...C'mas....not allowed to say that word until October in my rule book....but of course the fantabulous shops are planning their classes thru to the end of the year, getting samples made and all that malarkey... So naturally they are ordering their socks off wide! So it's been more than a bit busy at PA HQ !


The purpose of this waffley post is to say, we are exhibiting at the Happy Stampers show tomorrow. It's at the gorgeously quaint Port Sunlight ( of Sunlight soap fame....Google it!) , Hulme Hall to be exact ....apparently my parents used to go dancing there back in the 60's when they were 'courting' ... And it's odd to think we go there twice a year now to exhibit at a craft show! Is that a generational déjà vu. LOL

We first exhibited ther 10 years ago, and as it's not far from where all my English relllies are from, it's a bit like coming home when I head up north. I have a huge fondness for this show.

Right, so what have we got for you on the stand? Well, I am buzzing about the Anna Dabrowska (Finnabair) mechanicals range. It's like idea-ology only girlier, and cheaper - quite a lot cheaper! So it's a no brainer! Buy it, use it and buy some more! We also have the prima canvas journal covers. These have a fantastic resist puffy fabric cover, too cool. If you spritz with water, then paint with fresco...instant gorgeousness! Or use dye sprays, whatever works for you.

We also have a load of prima flowers, resin bellies (awesome with paint and treasure gold) wooden items for altering, journals, Bo Bunny journal binders and inserts, stamps (duh), wicked canvases of all shapes, sizes and thicknesses...Treasure Gold metallic wax...and masses of new stencils, Grunge paste....

OMG almost forgot about he NEW FRESCO PAINTS!! The last of them arrived into HQ this week, and we managed to get limited numbers ready for the show. YAY !!!! Tango replaces Smoked Paprika, it's slightly higher coverage, and BRIGHTER!

Pea Coat has been tweaked, it's darker, opaque, (new is shown on right)

The autumnal families have been revamped. Caramel is new, like an opaque pumpkin Soup. A lovely ochre shade. Toffee is a semi, and a lovely warm brown tone.

This is how Pea Coat fits into its family.

Autumn Fire is back and this is the existing family it fits into.

Our brights have got some oomph now. Yellow Sub , wicked sunshine yellow, and Tango , proper orange, are perfect for layering, and adding to existing shades to create some cool new ones. For example, yellow sub is great into any green to create a more olive toned green...I love it!

We now have 2 pink is the brighter ones. New are Candy Floss, Orchid was in our first release, was discontinued, and now returns with Spanish mulberry! a fab plum tone pink. Bound to be very popular.

These are the more vintage pinks. Blush is new, the others are all existing.

And my faves, the steely blues. Antarctic, lake Wanaka ( a lake in New Zealand that can look this colour depending on the cloud cover overhead...a chalky blue) ... You've probably seen similar on lord of the Rings films...., and Space Cadet is wicked. A must have!

BY THE WAY Wanaka is pronounced Wan-nack-haa, 3 syllables, even emphasis on each. Wa-na-ka. Got it? LOl

Right, I need to get this info out to you. Enough waffle. Excuse any typos....seeing double now ... If we don't see you tomorrow, our next show is Stamp Magic in Doncaster , oct 20th.

Take care, and get stamping! Xx




  1. So Frescos were top of my list for tomorrow - even more confused as to which colours to go for this time. So much scrumptiousness. Can't wait to see all the new goodies in the morning.
    Beryl xx

  2. Definitely need more Frescos in my collection, thanks for the reminder of the colour families!

    Looking forward to the show tomorrow and getting to see Lin's projects #tagontour! :-)

  3. Leandra! Ur Guna make me bankrupt!! All these lovely goodies to tempt me! Will have to wait til pay day! :(

  4. The new paint colors are gorgeous!

    Have a great time at the show.

    Port Sunlight is a wonderful little place. My dh used to work for Unilever and we visited there many years ago. The museum had an amazing selection of old Wedgewood Jasperware pieces.

  5. And the name of my blog is candy floss because that was my nickname when I was little so I guess that one is a must. As for the others there are so many I want. Looks like there will be quite a crowd-hope you have plenty! see you in the morning.

  6. I wish I was coming to this show,it always sounds so friendly and lovely - but as you know I am off to classes with Lin. Yippee!!! And I can't sleep which is why I am here at 4.30 am instead of zzzzing! Have a great show I know they will love all the new stuff!

  7. Just having a bit of breakfast then I'll be heading over to see you.

  8. DROOLING . . . . and wishing I could be with you all at the show. Have a wonderful time -- and think of me once every hour (just for a moment or two) please!
    Much love - Sally in France xoxo

  9. Have a fab day an roll on Doncaster!!!

  10. Great to see the fresco's like this. Love Tango, Yellow Sub, Autumn Fire, Toffee and Caramel, yum yum. Have a great show

  11. Hi Leandra
    Wow the new and other stuff look fab. I go to PS usually but it's very close to GNPE Harrogate this time, so could only do one or the other and Harrogate won this time.
    I was hoping you would be at Harrogate next weekend, but did not see your name on the list. If not I will next see you at PS in 6 months. debbiex

  12. Been to the show today, saw your amazing demos, filled my bag (twice) with gorgeous goodies too - Frescos and Finnabair - oh yes, stamps too - thank you! Anne x

  13. OMG! I remember Tabitha's nose! I so wanted to be her and - sorry - it was B and W!!! I so wish I'd bought all the new colours! Just have to wait until I've earned more money! Have a great weekend! I so enjoyed AP and PS sounds even better! I just wish I could be everywhere! Julie Ann xx

  14. mmmmm yummy colours. love the pinks.... and the blues......etc

  15. Another Bewitched fan here - oh to be able to wiggle my tip!!

    Drooling again at all the new goodies... can't make it to a show for now, so I'm having to be very patient to get my hands on those new colours - the Blues, the Blues, the Blues (and the Blush - pink, strangely for me!!). Hope you've been having fun at Port Sunlight...
    Alison xx

  16. Great day today. I wish I'd seen this post before I went to the show. Now I know I NEED to buy some more paint. Off to the website now :o)

    Leandra, I just wanted to add that I could have watched you demo all day but thought I'd better give others a chance to see you at work :o)) Thanks for sharing your know hows.

  17. Judging by the comments, you had a very successful day, which is wonderful. Wish I'd been there, also wish I'd had more money to spend at AP last week. I NEED those new embellishments. All of them!!

  18. Wow, fantastic new paints Leandra !!! :) Coco xx

  19. So loving all of the amazing products but the one I'm waiting for and keep checking daily for stock is the paints, I'm mega excited :-) Kezzy xxx
