
Wednesday 25 January 2012

WOYWW 138 - {neon} UTEE, hair and tan???

 Do you want to play along with other desk divas? They don't muck about! Pop on over to the Queen of desks, Julia's blog to see the rules. Share a few pics and visit the others playing this week, you're sure to be inspired, amazed and probably horrified at the desks on display. It's fun being proper nosey mid week!
This weekend, as you can see from my last post, it was brainstorming for 3 days with Lin to get the ArtsyCrafts ideas flowing.....but late Sunday evening Miss 17 arrived to create with her arty friend Lilly, and they were on a mega UTEE mission. Bissfully unaware that Lin and I had moved about 36 boxes to get to the meltpot box in the back bottom corner of the shed! Teeneagers huh. Raving about all things Suze, Courtney duly gave Lilly a crash course in UTEE fondue options.
So when I went out to the desk this morning...yes MY desk had been invaded by the overflow from her experimentation from her desk....
I think they have dipped fresh flowers, and wire wrapped them....but I can't be sure.....
 For me it's more mega rubber trimming this week, but I am really looking forward to deliveries arriving later this week with new goodies ready for the new show at Bluewater 'glow' exhibition arena....cracks me up that name.....I imagine I shall be demoing looking like a luminous beacon..... I live in towieville's own Brentwood, perhaps if I pop into Amy Childs salon I can get a neon styley fake tan that glows in the dark or something.....

Thump back to reality....we have paint bottling ahead of us too....that should keep me, the elves and Lynne (aka Cheryl/@bodgerbird) busy. I wonder what colour Cheryl's hair is now...we bunked work on Monday to go to the trade hair/nail supply warehouse.....she 'advised' me on professional colour this wise to attempt pre-Bluewater .....maybe I will end up neon after all!!!

Watch this space!


  1. LOL! You turn your back for two seconds and looks what happens! Looks like colourful fun though!
    Looking forward to trying out my new Portfolio pastels when they arrive and a couple of fresco paints might have accidentally fallen into my basket at checkout -oops! Well I've been itching to try them LOL!
    Hope the rubber cutting goes well!

  2. Have fun with the rubber cutting. I love the neon pink color...Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #27

  3. Hi there. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us nosey parkers today. It's always inspiring to see. Hope you have plenty of creative fun this coming week. Those dipped things on your desk look truly fascinating, they defy description!

  4. Wow, those dipped things look interesting!!!great colours, good luck with the rubber cutting and can't waitvto see what happens to your hair!!!happy woyww hugs trace x no16

  5. Blimey! Cool. Love the beads - am I misremembering? Are beads, esp. dipped beads, kinda something you excel at? I have this vague memory...

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (#4)

    PS if your commenting opens in a new window, I usually succeed - if not, if you see this for approval I’ll consider it a Blogger miracle!

  6. interesting project there. is it going to match your hair?
    happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  7. Look at those talented girls... good fun with your bottling and pressing!

  8. They look interesting! Possibly a little something to adorn a hair clip or a pin badge? Have a great week.

  9. Love the shocking pink, have a great week rubber cutting, Hugs May x x x

  10. Quite the interesting project happening there. Happy rubber cutting. I truly find that a tedious thing myself.

  11. You don't have time to bunk work!!! Is it you leading Cheryl astray or Cheryl leading you????? Me thinks it's probably the first option.

    Courtney and Lilly certainly had a fun time and dipped everything in sight. I'd love a penny for every time Lily said OMG!!


  12. Hope you get all your rubber trimmed, Have a great week Lou x #82

  13. intriguing pink splotch on desk, but as for bluewater cannot wait, do you know opening times at all? . .

  14. Awwww, I'm lovin' that pink!!!! Always wanted to know what was going on BTS at PaperArtsy lol ;) Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Joanna #123

  15. Ohhh the joys of teenagers who know no boundary. i also am blessed with one. Loving the fabric project on your previous post. Always such a pleasure to see what is happening on your desk.

  16. LOL! Kids! At least you know where she got that crafty DNA from! Good luck at bluewater! Happy WOYWW -Amanda 36

  17. Oh I do like those beads! Looks like your daughter takes after you, so don't go complaining to her, lol, it must be like talking to a mirror!

    Brenda 99

  18. Girls just wanna have the shade of the glossy pink goo...they look like colourful maracas or funky microphones...hope your fingers don't hurt to much with the rubber cutting...Mel :)

  19. Girls just wanna have the shade of the glossy pink goo...they look like colourful maracas or funky microphones...hope your fingers don't hurt to much with the rubber cutting...Mel :)

  20. I think a glow in the dark look will be entirely suitable, then you can just keep demoing when they turn off the lights! I likethegorlsdipped and wrapped flowers...more I like that you didn't throw one when they downed tools and left you to put away, very cool L!

  21. That's rather a nice shade there on the background of the Misses experiments...... what do you reckon to a few cerise streaks in those golden locks?
    Sounds like there will be magic afoot soon if you and LB are hatching up craft potions. Have fun,
    Lv Jo x

  22. Have fun rubber cutting. Loving the invading pink on your desk! Thank you for visiting my desk and have a have a happy and creative week xx

  23. What I want is to see what those girls do with the things they created - intriguing. Have a lovely week. xx Maggie #90
